Speaking Of The Lack Of Any Good Wrestling Matches So Far...

Speaking of not witnessing any good matches so far, we have HHH facing-off against Bart Gunn. How convenient.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
The Honky Tonk Man joins the commentary booth.
JR conducts a mini-interview with HHH just after the bell rings. Yes, you read that right- ‘after the bell rings’.
JR asks is Hunter has anything to do with that heinous attack on Marlena for two consecutive nights. HHH does not know who that Amazonian Woman is. Women go crazy for him all the time, there’s your explanation.
Honky Tonk Man is still searching for that ‘one’ superstar who possesses it all. He has narrowed the list down to 2-3 superstars. Are there any takers for this subplot? No? Okay, then.
The match starts off pretty quick. Bart Gunn goes for a hip-toss, as well as a few arm-drags. Truth be told, Bart Gunn executes standard moves pretty efficiently by now. How come? Well, because standard moves are about everything he can do in the ring.
I might be getting a little grumpy here, but Bart Gunn & HHH wrestle unimpressively for 4+ minutes. Speaking of plot interventions & wrestler interferences, Goldust slides into the ring after a while & chases Helmsley up to the stands.
HHH has never escaped so fast. Heck, by the time the referee counts him out, Goldust has already chased Hunter past the concession stands!

Let’s move on to the very match that encouraged the majority of the readers to read this recap (I guess). Up next, Psycho Sid vs. Bret Hart for the WWF Title. Take three!
Result: Bart Gunn wins via count-out.