The Most Intense Arm-Wrestling Match Of All Time!

MATCH #3: SUNNY vs. MARLENA {Arm Wrestling Match with The Honky Tonk Man as special guest referee}
Everyone’s chanting ‘SUNNY!’ over and over again. People would pay more money just to see Sunny arm-wrestling Marlena when compared to the two wrestling matches preceding it. This is 90’s wrestling folks.
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Sunny comes out wearing a white robe.
“What I want right now, is for all of you fat, ugly, out-of-shape, disrespectful, toothless NEW YOOKAAS to take a real good look in the ring at what a real woman is supposed to look like…HIT THE MUSIC!”
Sunny takes off her robe, leaving all of your hardcore fans to gawk at Sunny wearing a black bra paired with some hot pants. It’s an arm-wrestling match, but it’s also 90’s wrestling, so I guess you have to strip in order to arm-wrestle!
Sunny ‘allows’ Marlena to forfeit just because of what a ‘large Amazonian woman’ (Chyna) did to her last week. But we all know that’s not gonna happen.
“Oh…Sunny’s not quite ready” says Vince McMahon, as Sunny wastes time by showing off in front of the Manhattan Center.
They do it again, but Sunny backs off this time around too. Looks like she’s going to be warming up for a while.
Lawler: “She’s getting me warmed up!”
They do it for the third time, but it’s Marlena who backs off now!
While all of this is going on, the camera pans to Ken Shamrock in the audience, who must be going in his head like— “Wrestling’s changed. Huh.”
The arm-wrestling contest finally starts. They have an intense matchup. Honky Tonk Man keeps urging them on. Just as Sunny is about to lose, she throws powder into Marlena’s eyes.

Result: Marlena wins by DQ!
Savio Vega comes out & holds Marlena by her hair. Goldust saves her just in time. Looks like The Bizarre One & Vega are going to go one-on-one, with Sunny sticking by the Nation’s side tonight.

MATCH #4: GOLDUST vs. SAVIO VEGA (w/ The Nation of Domination & Sunny)
Miguel Perez joins commentary. Who is he? Well, Miguel has just defected from WCW to the WWF. Now, he is here to talk about Savio Vega, & how Vega disrespected the people of Puerto Rico by joining the Nation of Domination.
McMahon asks Miguel about what the Puerto Rico fans think about Savio Vega after he joined the Nation.
Miguel Perez: “Well, like I say before…everybody feel proud of him before, but now it’s a-a shame…because everybody give a 100% of the support of Savio Vega because he’s Puerto Rican. But now he say he’s no more longer Puerto Rican. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT.”
Seriously it’s one of the most unintentionally funny moments of the night. McMahon just tells him to address his country-people in Spanish later on.

The match itself is very standard. A lot of holds interrupted with the Nation members beating Goldust whenever the referee isn’t looking, which is basically the whole match. Bring out the ECW guys already.
After a (not so) solid eight minutes, Crush just decides to poop the party by hitting Goldust & causing a DQ.
But here comes Miguel Perez into the ring. Crush just throws him right back out again, which prompts Vince to go— “He came in & he went right back out!”
Nevertheless, Perez does help out Goldust to fight off N.O.D in the end.
Result: Goldust wins via DQ.
It looks like Lawler is heading towards the front row to interview his ‘best buddy’ Ken Shamrock.
“Are any of you morons here in New York familiar with the Ultimate Fighting Championship?” asks Jerry. The King boasts that he was the one who taught Shamrock about submission holds a long time ago. Both of them go WAYYY back.
Jerry prompts Shamrock to tell the whole audience how it was like training with The King, to which, Ken Shamrock replies— “You’re kidding right…I don’t know you…”

Lawler insists Ken on telling all of them about their history. But no, Ken has no clue who this goof is.
Good ol’ Shamrock just shrugs him off. Back to what matters now— It’s ECW again!