The third episode of Mae Young Classic continued this week, with four more matches lined up from the 1st round of the competition. With 32 women competing, all of the women would be looking to secure a place in the final of the Mae Young Classic and a place on the first-ever women's exclusive pay-per-view, Evolution.
The third episode of the Mae Young Classic Tournament saw Toni Storm face Jinny, Mia Yim take on Allysin Kay, Kaitlyn take on Kavita Devi, and Karen Q face Xia Li.
Before we get into the results of the 3rd episode of the Mae Young Classic, let's have a quick recap of the women to have already progressed past the first round: Tegan Nox, Rhea Ripley, Lacey Lane, Meiko Satomura, Deonna Purrazzo, Zeuxis, Kacy Catanzaro and Mercedes Martinez.
Now onto who will join them from the third episode of the Mae Young Classic in the second round.
Kavita Devi vs. Kaitlyn:

The very first match of the night was a huge one, with one of the best performers from last year's tournament, representing her country India, Kavita Devi, facing off against a former Diva's Champion, Kaitlyn. With Kaitlyn the known face to the crowd, it was obvious that she was the fan favourite over the lesser known Kavita.
Kavita started off well, slamming Kaitlyn into the ground to begin the match, but her strong start did not last. Kaitlyn took her down with a Snapmare followed by three leg drops for the one count. Devi got right back up and with a modified backbreaker and slam tried to make her way back into the match.
Kavita did a good job grounding Kaitlyn with a few slams, and an armlock which let her take advantage during the match. Kavita had Kaitlyn on her shoulders but with several elbows to the jaw, she pushed Kavita away, before hitting Kavita with elbows and a shoulder tackle. She hit Kavita with an elbow and a scoop slam, as well as a one-legged Dropkick.
Kaitlyn wasted no time with her opponent down, as she lined her up and hit her with a Rolling Senton before hitting her with the Spear to win the match.
Result: Kaitlyn defeated Kavita Devi
Toni Storm vs Jinny:

The second match of the night was between Jinny and Toni Storm. Toni Storm had done really well in last year's Mae Young Classic, but come up short nonetheless. This year, she was determined to do better.
Toni and Jinny started off with a test of strength but they soon broke away from each other. Jinny had an attitude from the very beginning, not appreciating being pushed to the ground.
Toni worked on twisting Jinny's forearm and worked her opponent. She hit Jinny with a quick combo followed by a knee in the corner. Jinny took advantage of a momentary hesitation, and grabbed Toni and smashed her face into the turnbuckle.
Jinny had the advantage from then on, as she applied force on Toni. She got Toni down with an arm drag for the near fall. An elbow to the face saw Toni in trouble. Jinny locked in a unique submission hold as put pressure on Toni's hands and back.
She slapped Toni after the submission was broken. Toni hit Jinny with a German Suplex and followed by a Storm Zero to pick up the win after an incredible match.
Result: Toni Storm defeated Jinny
Karen Q vs. Xia Li:

Xia Li became the first woman wrestler from China to wrestle in WWE.
Xia Li and Karen Q started off with some fast-paced action. The punches and kicks came fast, as both women took advantage of momentary distractions to take advantage of the other.
Li found herself in danger, and Karen used her athletic ability to hit Li with everything she had. The strikes were brutal, and the match was an extremely hard-hitting one. Karen went for a Boston Crab but Xia was able to get out of it. Karen set up and hit Xia with a Full Nelson Slam for the near fall.
Xia came back in the match with low kicks, followed by a Superkick and finally a High Kick for another near fall. The action continued as Karen hit Xia with a Samoan Drop. Karen went for the Frog Splash but Xia dodged and instead hit her with the Flipping Ash Kick for the win.
Result: Xia Li defeated Karen Q
Mia Yim vs. Allysin Kay:

In the final match of the night, Mia Yim faced Allysin Kay. Mia Yim was a former Impact Knockout's Champion, as well as having an extensive career outside WWE. Allysin Kay and Mia were long-time rivals, and in their very first match, Mia broke Allysin's nose.
The two brawled in the middle of the ring, as they rolled over each other, punching furiously. Mia showed off with some Tranquilo as Allysin found herself outside the ring. Mia kicked a furious Kay in the upper chest and then rained down blows, followed by a one-count.
Kay came back and hit Yim with a huge shoulder tackle. Yim rolled to the outside and Kay followed her out, hitting her with a vicious chop. Yim took down Allysin with a Suicide Dive. Kay worked on Mia's injured hand, as the fight continued.
Kay threw Mia to the corner and continued her vicious assault on her. Mia found herself punished by Kay over and over again, struggling to gain a foothold in the match. Kay hit Mia with a big Fallaway Slam. Somehow Mia was able to run up and get an armbar which she was almost able to lock in. Kay came back and picked her up for a Spinebuster.
Kay mocked Mia, but it worked against her as Mia almost locked in the Ankle Lock. Yim followed up with a blocked high-kick. The two exchanged blows in the middle of the ring, till Yim slapped Kay. Kay took her down with a big boot.
Mia comes back into the match with a flurry of dropkicks, followed by a big dropkick and missile dropkick for a near fall. Kay set Yim up for the Dominator, but Yim reversed and hit Kay with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. She hit Kay with chops before being taken out with a Spinning Clothesline.
Both women ducked high kicks, before finally they both connected at the same time and went down. Yim went to the top rope and was interrupted by Kay. Kay tired for a Superplex, but Yim hit the Soul Food from the top rope to win the match.
Result: Mia Yim defeated Allysin Kay