Karen Q vs. Xia Li:

Xia Li became the first woman wrestler from China to wrestle in WWE.
Xia Li and Karen Q started off with some fast-paced action. The punches and kicks came fast, as both women took advantage of momentary distractions to take advantage of the other.
Li found herself in danger, and Karen used her athletic ability to hit Li with everything she had. The strikes were brutal, and the match was an extremely hard-hitting one. Karen went for a Boston Crab but Xia was able to get out of it. Karen set up and hit Xia with a Full Nelson Slam for the near fall.
Xia came back in the match with low kicks, followed by a Superkick and finally a High Kick for another near fall. The action continued as Karen hit Xia with a Samoan Drop. Karen went for the Frog Splash but Xia dodged and instead hit her with the Flipping Ash Kick for the win.
Result: Xia Li defeated Karen Q