Mark Henry recently spoke with, commenting on his career and Night of Champions:
“To summarize what I’ve done, I’ve been able to come in as a nonexistent talent, to becoming Sexual Chocolate, to my mother dying and my taking time off and in the process getting my strength back to the point where I competed again in 2002 and became legitimately the World’s Strongest Man at the Arnold Strongman Classic after a seven-year hiatus; after all that we finally hit the eight to 10 years where I became a high-level talent and became a World Champion during that time period … twice. And today, here we are, standing at the threshold of Night of Champions and we’re standing on the doorstep of Nashville on the 21st seeing one of the epic battles between John Cena and Brock Lesnar, who I’ve had my dealings with both of these guys and know exactly how tough they are, so I’m excited about seeing what will happen with them.
But I’m just as excited about what’s going to happen between me and Rusev. I’ve always had pride in being a two-time Olympian and being a man that represented America to the fullest, and everyone knows I wear that on my sleeve. So to have someone come and run down my country, and they live in my country, is a little bit much. I represent to the fans on the 21st a chance to stand up to Rusev, and give him a buttwhoopin’ of epic magnitude.”