#4 The debut of Commissioner Foley

Foley previously said he wanted to be a "role model for nerds" in this role.
He told awful jokes and his office was, well, rather mobile - popping up in places like closets. This era was actually responsible for the birth of the cheap pop too - something Foley is still famed for to this day.
Famous rivalries from this time include Mick going face to face with, but never actually wrestling against, Edge, Christian, Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon.
Foley recalls...
June 7, 1990 (*) I shaved my head as a sign to myself that I would never do anything in public again. Ever. Two days later, I received a call from Mr. McMahon. “Hey pal, how’d you like to be the new Commissioner?” So I showed up a few days later with a new look, a new role, and carte blanche to say or do just about anything I wanted to. One of my biggest career regrets is not recognizing how special that opportunity was, and doing whatever I needed to do to hold onto it for as long as possible.
* The keen eyed of you may have noticed an error there. The debut of "Commissioner" Foley was actually in 2000, but we can forgive The Hardcore Legend for mixing up his dates a bit.
Edited by anirudh.b