Without bringing the tone down too much, I think there are a couple of things we need to approach in a realistic manner, because losing your job wasn't the only heartbreak you suffered recently. In the same week, you lost your brother-in-law to COVID-19. Speaking with you, though, you seem like such a positive person! How do you stay positive despite suffering such setbacks?
The truth is, you have to be realistic with yourself. You have to accept what's going on and you have to allow yourself to feel. If you block it out, and you don't deal with those emotions, and you don't embrace those emotions, that's what makes everything ten times worse. It was easy for people to say, "Just keep your head up, things will get better", and it's like, it's not even about my career, it's about someone I've lost.
As I said online, I grew up in foster care, I was in different homes and this was someone who treated me like his daughter. He was really good to me. I had to just allow myself to cry, I had to allow myself to have those sorrow moments and those pity moments.
A former WWE writer just went after JBL for his comments HERE
I'm just like everyone else - because other people have lost their jobs and their career paths, and you just have to deal with it, accept it, embrace it and then somehow find a way to have this inner strength because we all have inner strength.
You have to find it and you have to grab it, and you have to say, "Okay, this has happened but this is also going to be my driving force to keep going", and the most important thing is have a strong people in your corner, too. Because a lot of times, we can't do it on our own. Especially when we're vulnerable and we're weak.
You can stay positive, you can accept and embrace the feeling but also have that supportive team because that's what actually gets you going through, even from there, they've encouraged me to keep a schedule, keep myself busy. So that everything just doesn't weigh too heavily on me. That's the best advice I can give anybody that's going through what I'm going through right now.
I don't think many people will be going through exactly what you're going through but that's incredible advice for everyone. Do you have a message for people out there who may be struggling?
I would say... if you have anything that's left unsaid to someone that you love, you know, take that time, check on them, care for them, call them. Really, stay safe. And that means not only being clean with your hands, flush out your body too because then that helps your mind and just know that, no matter what happens, we are going to be all right. We are all going to be all right. At the end of the day, just know that. It all starts here - the mind. If you have that here, then everything else will take care of itself.
Next: MJ Jenkins discusses A Whole Lot Of Woman