Monday Night RAW - 4th March 2014 Results

My name is Paul Heyman and ladies and gentlemen, this is my pipe bomb about CM Punk

My name is Paul Heyman and ladies and gentlemen, this is my pipe bomb about CM Punk

Monday Night RAW opened with CM Punk‘s music blaring, but out walked Paul Heyman. He waits until the CM Punk chants die down and then tells the fans that CM Punk is in Chicago, but he won’t be appearing at RAW.

The fans begin booing Heyman and Brock Lesnar walks out. Lesnar says that his main objective is to destroy The Undertaker and the Streak. Mark Henry came out, and they brawl for a bit, but Lesnar gets the better of Henry and rams him into the steel steps. Lesnar then F5′s Henry through the announcer’s table.

Match One: WWE Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws (c) vs the Usos

Road Dogg says Chicao isn’t worthy of his catchphrases, and the crowd boos. The Usos come out looking ready to fight.

Road Dogg and Jey start off, and Dogg hip-tosses Jey into the turnbuckles and goes for a two count. Uso rolls out on to the floor and Billy Gunn stamps on him before pushing him back into the ring. Uso turns it around in the corner as Dogg comes in. Dogg counters with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Dogg keeps control and tosses Uso out to the floor.

The Usos take over control after the break with Billy Gunn kicking Jey in the face and going for a two count.

Jey hits a big kick to Road Dogg out of desperation. Jimmy finally gets the hot tag and he comes in with a flurry of offense.

It takes awhile, but Billy eventually stops Jimmy with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Jey gets the tag and he hits a superkick and a Superfly splash to Billy to get the pin and win the titles.

New Tag-Team Champions

New Tag-Team Champions

Winners and new Tag Team Champions: The Usos

Match Two: Big E vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro and Big E

Cesaro and Big E

Big E and Cesaro are right at it as soon as the bell goes. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are at the ringside. Cesaro goes for a backbreaker with a huge POP from the crowd. Big E slams Cesaro, but Cesaro recovers and tosses Big E out of the ring.

Jack Swagger interferes but gets decked. Big E comes back in, but Cesaro catches him with a Cesaro Swing.

Swagger comes back in and hits Cesaro with a Swaggerbomb, and gets DQ’d.

Winner by DQ: Big E

- After the match, Cesaro isn’t happy at all. Big E gets up and lays Cesaro out with a Big Ending before leaving. Cesaro tries to recover as Zeb yells at Swagger.

Match Three: The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

Before the Wyatt Family can enter the ring, Rollins and Ambrose leap on them. Reigns meets Wyatt in the ring and hits him with a big Samoan Drop causing him to roll out of the ring.

Rollins and Harper start off when the bell finally rings, and Rollins lands on his feet when Harper tries to German suplex him from the top rope. Rollins knocks out all the members of the Wyatt Family, but accidentally gets taken off the top rope by Ambrose.

Returning from the break, Harper has Rollins grounded, but Rollins manages to kick out of nowhere and knocks Harper down.

Both men crawl to their corners, but Ambrose and Reigns jump off the apron. Ambrose went to argue with Wyatt while Reigns went to retrieve him.

Rollins is unable to make the tag as Rowan comes in and keep up the punishment. Ambrose finally gets the tag and locks in the Figure Four. Harper tries to interfere but gets thrown out of the ring.

Bray Wyatt comes in and sideslams Ambrose. Ambrose is cornered by The Wyatts for awhile, but he hits a huge clothesline and knocks Harper down.

Ambrose DDTs Wyatt and then crawls to corner. Rollins jumps down. refuses to tag Ambrose and walks away from the match as Reigns asks what he is doing. Rollins says he is sick of being the glue that holds the team together.

Reigns runs in and saves the match. He hits a series of big moves on the Wyatts. Ambrose holds Harper while Reigns hits a dropkick from the outside.

Reigns spears Rowan over the announce table. Harper hits a suicide dive. All hell breaks loose as the crowd chants This is Awesome again.

Rollins watches from the ramp as Wyatt grabs Ambrose for Sister Abigail for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Wyatt Family

Match Four: Emma and Santino vs. Fandango and Summer Rae

Emma and Santino

Emma and Santino

CM Punk ring around the arena as Santino and Fandango start things off. After a few blows exchanges, Fandango takes Santino down with a dropkick and a suplex. Fandango goes up the top rope and tries to jump, but Santino rolls away and hits a chip drop.

Emma and Summer Rae are tagged in, and Summer goes for the big boot but misses. Emma hits Summer with a dropkick, sandwiches her in the corner and locks in the Emma Lock for the win.

Winners: Emma and Santino

Match Five: Sheamus vs. Christian

Sheamus vs. Christian

Sheamus vs. Christian

They start off and Christian hits Sheamus with a few slaps and tries to run away. But Sheamus catches him and beats him up. Christian tries making a comeback, but Sheamus hits him with a backbreaker.

Christian ends up taking Sheamus outside the ring, but when he jumps over the ropes, Sheamus moves and Christian hits the floor.

Christian is in control once again sends Sheamus into the timekeeper’s area before rolling him back in the ring for a two count. Sheamus hits out but Christian hits back with a suplex. Christian goes up top for a splash but Sheamus dodges.

After some brawling Christian tries again but Sheamus catches him and tangles him in the ropes for the forearm spot and then hits two high knees.

CM Punk chants start ringing around again as Sheamus goes for the White Noise.

Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick from the apron to pick up the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus

Match Six: The Bella Twins vs. Aksana and Alicia Fox

Alicia vs. Nikki Bella

Alicia vs. Nikki Bella

Brie starts off with Aksana, but Nikki interferes and hits Aksana with a knee to the face. Aksana pulls Nikki off the top and tags in Alicia. Alicia covers Nikki for a 2 count.

Aksana comes back in and slams Brie’s face into the mat. Another tag from Alicia as Brie fights back. They ground Brie in the corner again. Alicia comes in with another 2 count. Nikki ends up hitting a missile dropkick. Alicia gets caught up in the corner and Nikki hits her finisher for the win.

Winners: The Bella Twins

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan walks out to loud YES! YES! YES! chants echoing.

Bryan says the people in Chicago understand one thing – the fans have a voice. He has a voice and tonight, they’re going to hijack RAW, he says. A big “yes!” chant breaks out. Bryan says he’s not leaving the ring until one of two things happen. A Punk chant starts.

Bryan says he’s not leaving until Batista comes to fight or until Triple H comes to answer his challenge. The music interrupts and out come Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie says something but is it drowned in boos from the crowd.

Bryan airs his grievances at the Authority’s interference at every corner. He reiterates his challenge to HHH for WrestleMania XXX.

“Well that’s not going to happen” says Triple H.

Triple H wants to know what it is with our generation that we can’t accept our failures and inadequacies.

He says all we do is blame others and make excuses. He doesn’t know why being B+ angers people. It is a good spot to be in.

“It’s going to take more than a B+ player to get him to lace up his boots for Mania” added Triple H.

Stephanie chimes in and knocks Bryan for coming from the indies. She says without her family, Bryan would have nothing.

She says 21 trucks came to the arena today to make everything look good for Bryan. The ring, the TV distribution, everything is provided by her family. Without the McMahons, Bryan wouldn’t have his underdog persona, his t-shirts or fans chanting for him. She says they made Bryan.

Bryan then jokes that he should probably face Stephanie at WrestleMania XXX, and the crowd goes beserk.

“I’m pretty sure she would whip your ass too” – Triple H.

Triple H says he isn’t going to take such kindergarten level bait.

“Your little match at Wrestlemania isn’t going to happen fella” in a baby talk voice.

He says WrestleMania is the showcase of the immortals and Bryan just doesn’t measure up so he better get out of his ring right now.

Bryan says the ring is actually the fans.

Bryan, the ring, and even the fans belong to the Authority.

HHH tells him to get out again and Bryan dares him to make him.

Stephanie calls for Kane and Bryan goes right after him and lays him out and continues to beat on him.

Refs and then security swarm him as Stephanie calls for them to get him out of there.

Bryan goes on the ramp as security blocks his path to the ring as the people chant “Daniel Bryan”.

Match Seven: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler with Aaron Paul

Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler

Aaron Paul is the guest host for this match.

ADR opens up with some early strikes and then a huge back body drop. He starts off with some imitations of Ziggler to taunt him.

Ziggler elbows out of a shoulder lock and hits a dropkick then lands ten punches in the corner. Neckbreaker from Ziggler but ADR counters the fameasser attempt with a tilt a whirl backbreaker.

Del Rio with a superkick and Paul gets up on the announcer’s desk to distract ADR which gives Ziggler a chance to recover as he counters the arm bar attempt with the Zig Zag for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Match Eight: Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

Cesaro vs. Swagger

Cesaro vs. Swagger

Cesaro and Swagger have words in the middle of the ring. Swagger shoves Cesaro. Cesaro says they are even now. Swagger shoves him again. Cesaro drops Swagger and goes for a Cesaro Swing but Zeb Colter stops him on the mic.

Zeb tells Cesaro to be a Real American and not listen to the fans. Zeb tells Cesaro to help Swagger up and he does. Zeb says they need to put it behind them. They reluctantly hug and Zeb leads a “we the people!” chant.

Winner by DQ: Big E

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo while John Cena's talking

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo while John Cena’s talking

John Cena walks out to the crowd chanting CM Punk. Cena continues to play with the crowd being antagonistic to him and he does it perfectly.

He says he respects the crowd even if they are against him because of their passion. Change and new blood will go through him though and he calls out Wyatt. Wyatt pops up on the Titantron and cuts a brilliant promo.

He compares Cena to a championship horse who is starting to break down. Bray asks Cena how long he thinks he can fend them off. Bray say mercy is calling Cena by name. Bray says he’s the reaper and he’s going to put Cena down. Bray tells Cena to follow the buzzards and that’s it.

Match Nine: Daniel Bryan vs. Batista

Daniel Bryan vs. Batista

Daniel Bryan vs. Batista

WWE HeavyWeight Champion, Randy Orton walks out and sits down at the side of the ring.

Batista and Bryan lock up early, but Batista shoves Bryan across the ring. Batista tries to engulf Bryan in a headlock, but Bryan kicks out and and hits a dropkick to The Animal’s knee.

Bryan then goes for a Single Leg Crab, but Batista rolls over. Bryan goes for some uppercuts, but Batista counters with a powerslam and tosses Bryan outside the ring. Bryan comes back in and tries to fight back, but Batista hits a knee to the gut.

Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. He hits Batista with a running dropkick and tries to go for another, but Batista rolls on to the floor. Bryan hits a suicide dive and then tosses Batista back in and goes to town with some roundhouse kicks.

Triple H, Stephanie and Kane make their way to the ring.

While Bryan gets distracted, Batista crotches Bryan and tosses him on to the steel steps. Batista follows up by whipping Bryan into Orton and then tossing him back into the ring.

Bryan with a huge kick to drop Batista. Orton interferes now. He goes for an RKO but Batista pushes him into a Baisuku Knee and then Bryann hits a running dropkick to Batista.

Kane tries to get involved but Bryan drops him with a kick. He tries to follow up but Batista spears him.

Triple H gets the mic and says he is tired of Bryan’s fantasy. Bryan upkicks him! Batista responds by hitting the Bastista Bomb on Bryan.

Triple H then hits Bryan with a Pedigree.

Triple H and Stephanie lord over his body as Stephanie mocks him with Yes! chants

The Authority stands tall at the close of Raw

The Authority stands tall at the close of Raw

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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