Will The Shield be splitting up soon?
It really is about time the WWE finally break up one the most dominant factions in the history of the WWE. Since storming onto the scene last year at Survivor Series, The Shield have demolished everyone in their path with quick team work and raw power. The Shield have had a amazing run that including a five month title reign by Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, and a Untied States Championship reign by Dean Ambrose. Ambrose even had the honor of competing in the Money In The Bank Contract ladder match earlier this year.
Although the Shield have been rewarded with long title reigns and endless monumental main event matches, it seems that the WWE has finally decided to break up the boys in black and see what they can do on their own. The first sign of this split was when Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins lost the tag team titles to Goldust and Cody Rhodes three weeks ago on Raw. The next big sign of The Shield’s demise was when Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were unable to recapture their title gold at Hell In Cell, making their fall just that much more evident.
Now with the titles out of the hands of Rollins and Reigns, and Dean Ambrose touting his title gold on Raw, it seems jealousy will play the biggest factor in The Shields upcoming split. It’s still unclear exactly how the break up will happen, but it seems like it will most likely involve both Rollins and Reigns turning on Ambrose and trying to capture his United States title. The Shield should be warned however, that Dean Ambrose is the baddest man around.
Did the WWE bury Daniel Bryan’s push at Hell In Cell?
Ok, time for some truth. Daniel Bryan is so buried at this point, their having his pushes memorial service this weekend. The WWE has once again taking a viable and versatile talent, and completely buried him with almost victories in big Pay Per View matches, and horribly planned out screw jobs in others. The WWE has essentially done with Daniel Bryan, what they did to Ryback back in 2012. Minus all the momentum for Ryback, because he was a rebranded rookie at the time. They built up Ryback with a bunch of squash matches, had him get surprise wins over many top talents in the WWE, and then had him lose time and time again at Pay Per Views, with the title on the line.
It’s the same thing with Bryan. They built him up for months during his tag team title run with Kane, had him build even more momentum as a singles competitor, then put him in a passing of the torch match with John Cena, only to brutally bury him when it counted. The WWE Universe doesn’t want to back a loser. They want to be in the corner of a guy who can and will get it done for his fans, and the WWE just isn’t allowing Daniel Bryan to do that.
After Bryan was defeated at Hell In Cell, thanks to a surprise Sweet Chin Music by Shawn Michaels, Michaels attempted to apologize to Bryan the next night on Raw and get Bryan to shake his hand. After a few tense moments Bryan grabbed Michael’s hand and put him in the Yes Lock for revenge. After the segment with Michaels, Bryan was viciously attacked by The Wyatt Family backstage, injuring Daniel Bryan and putting him in the hospital for the evening. This move definitely sets up both Punk, who was attacked later that night by The Wyatt Family, and Bryan for a feud with Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family.
With that being said , only two questions remain. Who will be the new number one contender for The WWE title, and will Punk and Bryan be working together to battle Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family? Hopefully, the answer to the second one is Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Although it looks like Bryan’s run in the main event is over, Bryan will remain a mid card megastar for years to come!
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.