#1 John Cena Vs CM Punk- Money in the Bank 2011

Did you really expect any other encounter to be at the top of this list? The last main roster WWE match to be given five stars by Dave Meltzer and The Wrestling Observer, CM Punk Vs John Cena is a modern-day masterpiece and has been unrivalled in the seven years since it took place.
CM Punk becoming number 1 contender before Money in the Bank 2011 was seemingly apropos of nothing. Punk had very little momentum and it seemed like the feud was just there to tire Cena over until a bigger program at SummerSlam. And then, the pipe bomb happened and changed the WWE forever.
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CM Punk's iconic promo blew Kayfabe to bits and began a new era in the WWE, and this match was the perfect way to get things going. Punk declared that his contract ran out after Money in the Bank and that he was going to win the belt and leave the company with it at the event.
Everything about this match was perfect. CM Punk's entrance still sends chills down the spine, and his hometown Chicago crowd were exceptional throughout the bout, creating a red-hot atmosphere that makes crowds around the world envious to this day.
The in-ring action was nothing short of thrilling, and the closing moments were some of the most exciting in WWE history.
When wrestling is at its best, it can make fans forget that it isn't real and drag us in hook, line and sinker, and this match was the perfect example of this. Seeing Punk escape through the crowd and blow Vince McMahon a kiss on his way out is still arguably the most iconic image of the decade, and while the Summer of Punk was ultimately a huge let-down, this match is still something very special indeed.
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