In part 1, we looked at some of the opening matches. Here we look at the rest of the card.
World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match-Participants: WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Fandango, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and Jack Swagger
This match has the potential to steal the show. Save for Swagger, no one in this match has ever been a World or WWE Champion, which means you are going to see seven guys work their tails off to make a good impression. There is a ton of talent in this match, and I can guarantee they are already thinking about things to do in the match that will leave people talking about it. Plus, there’s a sense of unpredictability here, which can be rare in these matches.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Nearly everyone in this match has a legitimate shot at winning the case. The only two who really don’t have much of a chance are Swagger (who killed his chances at a push with his drug arrest) and Fandango, who is nowhere near getting pushed to the main event level. Out of everyone, I think Ambrose has the best odds of walking away with the case, holding both the US title and briefcase in the process. I am expecting him to win, with Wade Barrett possibly being a dark horse pick.
WWE Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match (MITB All-Stars)-Participants: Daniel Bryan, Christian, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Rob Van Dam
This match was originally supposed to feature Kane as well, but he was taken out by the Wyatt Family this past Monday night, which is expected to build to a feud with them at Summerslam. Honestly, his removal from the match has the chance to improve it, as this gives the rest of the competitors one less person, which means more moments to shine. I think this will be a great overall match, but I really only see one person winning.
While Punk may already have two wins in this match and is considered an odds-on favorite, I’m going with Daniel Bryan. No one has had Bryan’s momentum as of late, and I think it’s finally his time to truly break out into the main event. He is in the midst of the biggest push of his career, and it won’t be slowing down in just a few hours. RVD is definitely a dark horse, but I firmly believe Bryan is taking the case once more.
World Championship: Alberto Del Rio (Champion) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Much like the Miz, ADR is pretty much worthless. No one cared about him as a face, and no one cares about him as a heel. Ziggler, on the other hand, is one of the hottest properties in the WWE right now. I do not understand why WWE removed the World title from him in the first place, but I am hoping they wise up and put the belt back around his waist, where it belongs. WWE keeps saying that they are firmly behind a big Ziggler push. If that’s true, they need to put the belt back on him right away and keep it there for a while. ADR, on the other hand, could be completely removed from the main event scene, and I don’t think anyone would care.
WWE Championship: John Cena (Champion) vs. Mark Henry
While I am glad to see Henry getting another big push, I fear it is all for naught. This is more or less fuel for Cena’s latest push, and that is to have WWE have him achieve supposed “legendary” status. What does this mean? They want him to run through everyone -especially big guys – in the same way Hulk Hogan did from 1984-1992. I’d like to see Henry get one more run with a major title before his career is up (which could be within a year or so), but I don’t see it happening at Cena’s expense tonight. I would be pleasantly surprised if it did, but I’m not holding my breath.