Seth Rollins appeared on RAW this week right ahead of Riddle's exclusive interview. While he looked and acted as smug as ever, things would quickly come back to bite him with the way things played out, including the announcement of medical clearance and a subsequent assault.
In an exclusive interview, Riddle announced that he was medically cleared and coming for Seth Rollins as soon as possible. While Rollins mocked him for being in his mom's basement, the camera zoomed out, and Riddle revealed that he was in Washington DC and instantly made his way to the ring.
Rollins appeared to be a tad bit too overconfident after the way things played out at SummerSlam 2022, where he was able to decimate an already-injured Riddle. This time, however, Riddle lured him into the stomp and cleverly managed to get the better of him despite it looking like Rollins would brutally assault him again.
Rollins was chased away through the crowd, and Riddle stood tall. As of writing, there has been no official announcement of when their match will take place.