34-year-old WWE star becomes first woman to qualify for Money in the Bank Ladder Match on RAW

A Current star has qualified for Money in the Bank (Images via WWE.com)
A Current star has qualified for Money in the Bank (Images via WWE.com)

The first Women's Money in the Bank triple threat qualifying match took place on the latest episode of WWE Monday Night RAW. The three participants were IYO SKY, Kiana James, and Zelina Vega.

The Genius of the Sky went after the LWO member as soon as the bell rang. Zelina hit her with a few kicks before she was sent to the corner by Kiana. The latter hit her with several kicks in the corner but IYO SKY returned to the ring and took down James. She nailed the former NXT star with a moonsault at ringside.

Zelina Vega then took out the Damage CTRL member with a Meteora on the floor. After the break, IYO and Vega planted Kiana James with a superplex. The two WWE stars then exchanged strikes and SKY hit Zelina with a double-underhook backbreaker.

James planted Zelina Vega with a powerbomb and got a two-count. IYO SKY nailed Vega with a missile dropkick. The Genius of the Sky tried to hit a moonsault but Zelina 619'd her off the top rope. She hit her Code Red finishing move but Kiana James made the save. Liv Morgan's distraction caused Zelina to be taken out of the equation.

Finally, IYO SKY nailed Kiana James with the Over-the-Moonsault to win the match via pinfall on WWE RAW.

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Edited by Israel Lutete
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