Bollywood legend Akshay Kumar has finally responded to The Undertaker's challenge for a "real rematch."
Akshay Kumar recently posted a hilarious meme on the 25th anniversary of his blockbuster movie "Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi". The meme highlighted the men who have defeated The Undertaker, and Kumar was pictured alongside WWE greats like Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, and Triple H.
"A hilarious note to mark 25 years to the release of #KhiladiyonKaKhiladi tomorrow! A fun fact though: it was wrestler Brian Lee who played The Undertaker in the film," wrote Akshay Kumar in his tweet.
Fans of the hit movie remember that Akshay Kumar fought pro-wrestler Brian Lee in the movie. Lee had impersonated The Undertaker in the movie as well as in WWE.
Bollywood veteran Gulshan Grover, who played the role of King Don in Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi, also chimed in and stated that it's time to make another Khiladi movie.
The Undertaker responded to Akshay Kumar's meme and challenged him to a rematch. The Bollywood heartthrob responded to the challenge with a hilarious comment.
Kumar said that he'll get back to 'Taker after checking on his insurance. Check out the response below:
The Undertaker has been popular for three decades
Remaining relevant is no mean feat, especially when they're long past their prime. The Undertaker was one of the biggest WWE attractions in the mid-90s when Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi was released. The movie grabbed the attention of pro-wrestling fans from the Indian subcontinent due to "The Undertaker" making an appearance and locking horns with Kumar.
It has been 25 years since the movie was released and The Undertaker is still one of the biggest names in pro-wrestling. He finally retired at Survivor Series in 2020 after enthralling the WWE Universe for almost 30 years.
Akshay Kumar has been a big fan of The Undertaker and the two men have immense respect for each other. An in-ring battle between them during their primes would have been a huge spectacle.