Jey Uso opened the show on Monday Night RAW, bringing back "Yeet" after not being able to use it briefly. But what turned out to be an outright "disgrace," at least according to Michael Cole, based on how Jey lost the match.
As you may have known, WWE advertised yet another match between Jey and Drew McIntyre on RAW this week. This comes in the aftermath of McIntyre's vicious attack on Sami Zayn last week, which led to him getting a torn meniscus.
While Jey Uso was standing toe-to-toe with McIntyre in their match, The Scotsman uncharacteristically gouged his eyes while the referee wasn't looking before getting a Claymore for the win. Michael Cole dubbed his win as "disgraceful."
McIntyre has been very vocal about his disdain towards Jey and seemingly most of the locker room.
However, he specifically made it clear in the opening segment before the match that he wants no part of CM Punk on RAW and believes that he isn't good for the locker room - a sentiment shared by his rival Seth Rollins.
What did you think of the match and finish? Let us know in the comments below!