Erick Rowan was released by WWE earlier this year, along with a host of other Superstar and staff, as the WWE's reaction to the financial implications of the COVID-19 crisis.
Erick Rowan, who now goes by Erick Redbeard, was recently a guest on Ryback's podcast. During his appearance on the show, Rowan spoke about which promotions had approached him following his WWE release:
I might have somebody to reach out a little bit to talk about some stuff, but nothing set in stone. To me, I'm just trying to enjoy the quarantine life a little bit while I'm at home, spending time with the family as much as possible. Whenever anything does come up with wrestling, I'm not going to automatically say, 'No, I'm not going to do that.' But it has to be the right thing for me.
But yeah, I'm just excited to have the world open up and being able to work in front of people again. Obviously, I've seen other sides of things I want to pursue as I don't really feel like signing no contract that's going to lock me down anywhere and not be able to do other things. That would be a huge takeaway for me because I want to see what else is out there. But as far as to wrestling goes, I still have fun like I was in the ring for a few hours the other day, just having fun, taking unnecessary bumps when I didn't have to. H/T: WINC
Erick Rowan's thoughts on WWE's empty arena shows
Erick Rowan also opened up about WWE's empty arena shows. Rowan said that he still kept up with WWE because he had friends there and added the problem with the product was the same as always - some things are good, others are bad:
I mean, obviously I watch some things because there's people that I worked a lot with and I got to check out what they're doing. But yeah, like some things are very unique and interesting in this time and there are some things that are very bad. But this has been the same with the product since always. Some things are really good for one person and some things are really bad.
Which promotion do you think he will sign with? Sound off in the comments section!
Edited by Amar Anand