A former WWE star has recently spoken up about losing his title and realizing that the time had come for him to retire. The star was recently forced into a situation where his career was on the line, and after his loss, he hung up his wrestling boots once and for all. This came after Tyrus' retirement following his loss to EC3 at NWA 75.
The WWE veteran held the title for 289 days before finally losing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The last match for the star was not an ordinary one, but one where he put his career on the line as well to get EC3 to agree to a match with him. Now, EC3 is the champion, having put his friend away.
The loss forced Tyrus to finally call it quits and retire at the age of 50 following a long career.
The former WWE star has spoken about the experience of retiring and losing to EC3. He called it bittersweet, praising his friend while also talking about how it was important to him. He added that it was still bitter to retire and lose the title.
"Passing the sweetest prize in this sport to a brother is the bitter sweet great moment. My reign is over bitter … my time has come bitter … @therealec3 knowing this man training with man bleeding with man lady [sic] and gentleman … @nwa world heavyweight champion @therealec3 and to quote the legend @RealKevinNash “it too sweet!!!”#nuffsaid," he wrote.
It remains to be seen what EC3 does with the title next and whom he faces. As for Tyrus, whether he will shift to a backstage role in pro wrestling is not yet known.