G1 Climax 30 A Block Match: Yujiro Takahashi (0-5) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2-3)
Our A Block opener on this night was Yujiro Takahashi facing Tomohiro Ishii. Yujiro came in still winless at 0-5, while Ishii stood at 2-3 after a win over Taichi on G1 Climax 30 Night 9.
Yujiro attacked Ishii before the bell to begin. Takahashi continued the assault on the floor, hitting a reverse DDT on the entranceway. Back in the ring, Yujiro hit a corner boot to the head for a two count. Yujiro dominated his opponent early on to the point that Ishii never took his shirt off in the opening minutes of this G1 Climax 30 contest. He finally gained control with a suplex and took off his shirt.
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Every time Ishii gets control, Yujiro cut him off, though. Takahashi hit a fisherman buster, which Ishii came down selling his arm and neck. Ishii reversed a lariat into a German Suplex into the corner. Ishii followed up with an avalanche brainbuster from the top for a near fall. Yujiro regained the advantage in this G1 Climax 30 match with an Alabama Slam. He followed up with a lariat and Intercollegiate Slam for a near fall. Yujiro then hit Miami Shine for another close two count.
Ishii reversed a Pimp Juice attempt into a German Suplex. He then no-sold a lariat and hit an enziguri, followed by a lariat for a near fall. Yujiro reversed a brainbuster into one of his own. However, he then ran into a lariat. Ishii then tried the brainbuster, but Yujiro rolled him up for a two.
Yujiro went for Pimp Juice again, but Ishii landed a headbutt. He followed with a sliding lariat for a near fall. Ishii then hit the brainbuster to get the win in fifteen and a half minutes. Tomohiro Ishii gets his third win and two more points in the G1 Climax 30. This was one of Yujiro's strongest matches of the entire tournament so far.
Results: Tomohiro Ishii (6) defeats Yujiro Takahashi (0) via pinfall
Star Rating: ***