WWE and Vince McMahon are synonymous in many ways. The company has distanced itself from McMahon due to recent controversies, but he will always be credited with the massive growth of the once-regional promotion. The former Chairman was also known as a jokester, and now one Hall of Famer is revealing just how much his former boss liked to goof around.
Mr. McMahon is regarded by many in the industry as one of the biggest ribbers, or one who likes to troll or play jokes on others, along with names like Owen Hart, Curt Hennig, Randy Orton, and Mr. Fuji. The billionaire was known to play practical jokes on his crew, even during live shows, while pulling more elaborate ribs, such as entire storylines and superstar ring names.
The rib-filled Mae Young and Mark Henry storyline was discussed on the premiere of Sportskeeda Wrestling's "What Were They Thinking with JBL & Brisco" series. McMahon was hands-on in producing the infamous hand birth segment, as he always was, but host Joe Lowry asked where the boss was during filming.
Brisco joked about Vince producing "back off in the shadows," while JBL joked that Vince just had to watch.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
"When something like that came up, Vince always wanted to be one of the producers. I mean... if you heard Vince, you'd know he's doing the entire TV show. But if there's a rib on somebody, if there's something going on, Vince wanted to be a part of it. Right, John?" Gerald Brisco said. [From 11:36 to 11:50]
Layfield responded and confirmed just how much The Genetic Jackhammer liked to troll backstage. JBL also commented on how far McMahon would go to pull the perfect rib off.
"Oh, 100%. Nothing made him happier than a rib. Nothing in the world made him happier than a rib, and it didn't matter if the entire TV show was at stake, Vince would shut down the entire network, everything, for a rib," JBL said. [From 11:51 to 12:05]
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Brisco and Layfield jokingly revealed an interesting item about Mae Young. While discussing the birth segment, they recalled how the women's wrestling pioneer was flirtatious while in WWE.
New docuseries to premiere on WWE co-founder Vince McMahon
Netflix will premiere its docuseries on Vince McMahon in just 10 days. Produced by Ringer Films, "Mr. McMahon" will be released in the form of six one-hour episodes on Wednesday, September 25, all at once.
Production began on the series in 2020, but it has been confirmed that the sexual misconduct allegations from former WWE employee Janel Grant will be covered. The first episode will touch on the controversy, while the finale will go in-depth. Several controversial topics from the series were recently confirmed, including a Pat Patterson scandal.
Involvement from WWE has also been revealed. The project includes interview footage with John Cena, Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff, The Rock, and others, including the McMahon Family: Vince, Linda, Stephanie, Shane, and Triple H.
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