"I was almost taken aback" - The Undertaker opens up about "iconic deal" with Brock Lesnar, and it's NOT WWE Streak

Brock Lesnar (left), and The Undertaker (right) [Image credits - WWE.com]
Brock Lesnar (left), and The Undertaker (right) [Image credits - WWE.com]

The Undertaker's legendary WWE streak was ended at the hands of Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30. However, The Deadman recently spoke about another "iconic deal" with The Beast Incarnate in the Stamford-based promotion, nine years ago at SummerSlam 2015.

A decade ago, fans witnessed one of the most shocking upsets in WWE history when Lesnar pulled the plug on Taker's streak. The 59-year-old legend took his revenge on The Beast by attacking him during his match against Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship at Battleground 2015.

The two men once again locked horns at The Biggest Party of the Summer that year. At one point during the match, Brock Lensar menacingly laughed at The Deadman, and the latter returned the favor with a much more evil chuckle before exchanging brutal blows. It was the WWE Hall of Famer who secured a win over the 46-year-old star in controversial fashion.

During a chat with Chris Van Vliet on Insight, The Undertaker mentioned that Lesnar told him about that laugh before the match, but he didn't pay attention. Since it was an impromptu reaction by The Deadman, it became an iconic moment between the two men at SummerSlam.

"That was Brock. So we talked a little bit about that match and he ran it by me but I don't think I was paying enough attention to what he really wanted to do. So when he did it, I was almost taken aback a little bit like what the freaking hell are you laughing at that? And then it kind of dawned on me what he was doing. And then I laugh back at him and it's yeah, it's become kind of an iconic deal but yeah, if I'd have been paying close enough attention I'd probably go 'Yeah, I don't know if I want to do that.' But the way it worked, it worked out worked out fine," he said. (H/T CVV)

You can listen to the full episode below:

The Undertaker reveals his underrated WWE rival

During the same conversation with Chris Van Vliet, Taker disclosed that John Bradshaw Layfield - JBL was his most underrated WWE opponent.

The Deadman mentioned that it was difficult around The Wrestling God not to break his formidable spine-chilling on-screen persona.

"It's hard to conquer the ego part, but he was a lot of fun to work with. I worked with him. I don't know how many hundreds of times in dark matches after TV tapings. It was always just a constant, trying to get me to crack kind of deal," The Undertaker revealed.


The 59-year-old legend appeared at WrestleMania 40 and helped Cody Rhodes win the Undisputed WWE Championship against Roman Reigns. Fans since then have been speculating The Phenom's next return to the Stamford-based promotion.

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Edited by Rahul Madurawe
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