Rusev Day got over huge in WWE before the gimmick was killed out of nowhere.
Current All Elite Wrestling star Miro had a memorable run in WWE as The Bulgarian Brute Rusev. One gimmick that was fondly remembered during his run with the company was the introduction of Rusev Day.
Former WWE Superstar CJ Perry was the latest guest on In The Kliq to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked why the legs were cut off from Rusev Day so quickly, the former Lana squarely placed the blame upon Vince McMahon's love for Miro as a heel instead of a babyface:
"The simplest way of putting it for all the listeners that might not be as familiar with wrestling is Vince McMahon was the director, the Steven Spielberg of our show," Lana said. "...I think at the end of the day, Vince loves Miro as a villain. So that was really the bottom line of the struggle was he wanted him to be his Bulgarian Brute, 300 pounds, crazy, killing. It was his company, still is, and that was his creative vision, and I think that was always the conflict of it all, really, to come down to the bottom line. I can have a ton of opinions, but it's show business at the end of the day."
In case you missed it, you can check out the SmackDown results here.
Lana calls WWE's Triple H and Stephanie McMahon geniuses
While CJ Perry is currently a free agent in the world of professional wrestling, she's not ruling out making a comeback.
The formerly named Lana went out of her way to put over the people currently in charge at WWE, Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon, calling them geniuses:
"I'm open to everything in life. If I put my dreams in a box, I wouldn't be where I am today. So, I mean, Triple H, he's a genius. Stephanie's a genius," Lana said. "I got hired by Triple H. He paired me with Miro and helped really cultivate that, in 2014, that story and that gimmick and those characters. He really helped me develop the Ravishing Russian, so I think he has an incredible creative mind. I think he is an incredible storyteller and entertaining. If the story is right, if it makes sense, I'm always open to go back to WWE and tell compelling stories." [H/T:]
What do you make of Lana's comments? Do you think Vince McMahon should have embraced Rusev Day more? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.