Vince Russo has praised former WWE commentator and talent relations executive Jim Ross for the hiring choices he made for the company during the 1990's. Russo affectionately dubbed the stars the "Jim Ross roster."
In an interview with SK Wrestling's Lee Walker, Russo would explain that while some creatives in wrestling may struggle coming up with ideas on how to get wrestlers over, this was never an issue with the talent that was signed by Jim Ross.
Here is what Vince Russo had to say about the talent signed by "The Voice of Wrestling" Jim Ross:
"I will tell you this, when I was handed a Jim Ross roster, every single person on that roster deserved to be on that roster! They were stars! I never looked at a Jim Ross roster and was like, “Sh*t Jim, why did you give this guy a job? I’ll never be able to get this guy over.” When Jim Ross signed somebody, Jim Ross signed a pro. So whether it’s D-Lo or Gangrel, I know looking at that roster that I can get every single one of these people over."
Russo also commented on the professionalism with which Jim Ross made his decisions regarding potential signings behind the scenes, and how he avoided looking favorably on friends, focusing solely on the talent.
"That’s how JR was. JR was like “I’m the General Manager, this is my team. If this were my money, this is the team.” JR wasn’t doing anybody any favors, JR wasn’t hiring friends. So now I know when JR is giving me this roster, bro, if somebody doesn’t get over, that’s my fault. Because they do have the ‘It’ factor and JR did hire stars, and now it was my turn to get them over."
Vince Russo had confidence in Jim Ross and his hiring abilities
Vince Russo was also adamant that if creative could find nothing for the talent to do, it was firmly the fault of the creative and not the wrestler in question.
"The creative should be fired!" ... "If I would have ever said “I dont have anything for so and so”, bro, you fire me! You don’t fire the talent."
You can watch the clip between Lee Walker and Vince Russo below:
If any quotes are used from this interview please give a H/T to SK Wrestling.