Natalya might be a locker room leader in WWE, but she's also doing big things outside of the company.
Two years ago, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nattie created a YouTube channel with her sister Jenni, and they have found a significant amount of success with it.
Just recently, a video where Natalya demonstrates how to put the Sharpshooter on her sister has surpassed over one million views on YouTube, which is quite an accomplishment for such a young channel.
Jenni took to social media to celebrate the milestone, tweeting out:
"We hit 1M views @NatbyNature! This video was so fun *purple heart emoji* #YOUTUBE #THENEIDHARTS," Jenni Neidhart said in a tweet.
Natalya also took to social media to celebrate the accomplishment. Tweeting out:
"So exciting! Proud of us @neidhartjenni *purple heart emoji* *clapping hands emoji*," Nattie said in a tweet.
If you're interested in checking out the video, you can do so by clicking here.
Carmella responds to Natalya's accomplishment on social media
The proof of Nattie's leadership in the WWE locker room rings true as RAW Superstar Carmella took to social media to celebrate the achievement of The B.O.A.T. by sending a series of clapping emojis. Tweeting out:
"@NatbyNature @neidhartjenni *four hands clapping emojis*," Carmella said in a tweet.
Nattie was grateful for the support from her fellow WWE Superstar, tweeting back with a few heart-faced emojis to show her appreciation. Tweeting out:
"@CarmellaWWE @neidhartjenni *three heart-faced emojis*," Carmella said in a tweet.
What do you make of Nattie and Jenni's big accomplishment? Do you have any friends who have gotten over one million views for a video on their YouTube channel? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.