At WrestleMania 39 Night 1, The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) were able to ride out the team of Braun Strowman and Ricochet, the Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar), and former RAW Tag Team Champion Alpha Academy (Gable & Otis).
However, one half of the Alpha Academy, Otis found himself in an embarrassing moment when his lower back was covered in sweat, which was visible through his wrestling gear.
After each team took turns on offense, a brawl erupted, with the Viking Raiders landing a springboard clothesline move on Ricochet.
The Raiders dropped two powerbombs on Montez Ford, and the Monster Among Men crushed the Viking Raiders before Gable delivered a rolling german suplex to Strowman.
The Monster went to the top rope and hit a splash on Ivar for two counts as everyone broke it up. The former Universal Champion received the world’s strongest slam from Otis.
In the match's closing moments, Ricochet headed to the top and went for a Shooting Star Press, but Dawkins had the knees up. Ford finally struck a Frog Splash on Ricochet, and Dawkins rolled him up for the win.
What do you think of The Street Profits' impressive win at WrestleMania 39? Sound off in the comments section below.