The Undertaker thinks WWE controversy could have been avoided with his help

The Undertaker, real name Mark Calaway [Image Credit:]
The Undertaker, real name Mark Calaway [Image credit:]

The Undertaker was involved in WWE's main-event picture in 1997 when the Montreal Sc*ewjob occurred. In a recent podcast episode, The Deadman addressed how the controversy could have been avoided.

At Survivor Series 1997, Bret Hart went into his match against Shawn Michaels thinking it would end via disqualification and he would remain WWE Champion. However, fearing Hart would appear on WCW TV with the title, then-WWE Chairman Vince McMahon booked Michaels as the winner at short notice.

Hart was not informed about the last-minute alteration, nor was The Undertaker. On Six Feet Under w/Mark Calaway, The Phenom said a new plan could have been arranged had he known about the finish changing beforehand:

"I've always said that I wish they kind of communicated to me a little better about the Montreal deal, maybe could have done something differently with me, but it is what it is." [56:01 – 56:20]

The 2022 WWE Hall of Famer also gave his opinion on some fans calling Hart "sour" due to his views on Goldberg and modern wrestling.

The Undertaker on the aftermath of Survivor Series 1997

While Bret Hart joined WCW after the Montreal incident, The Undertaker continued feuding with Shawn Michaels. The rivalry led to a bout at the 1998 Royal Rumble, where Michaels defeated his legendary opponent in a casket match to retain the WWE Title.


The Undertaker does not think Hart's departure altered the way he was booked in the months following Survivor Series 1997:

"I doubt that it would have changed anything. I think I would have still had the casket match with Shawn. I don't think anything would have really changed because we were at the end of our run there, so I think that was kinda gonna be the closing of the whole thing." [55:31 – 55:56]

In the same episode, the WWE icon praised Hart for taking him to the next level as a wrestler.

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Please credit Six Feet Under w/Mark Calaway and give an H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription if you use quotes from this article.

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Edited by Danny Hart
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