Black Bart revealed an incredible story about Booker T on the latest edition of SK Wrestling's UnSKripted with Dr. Chris Featherstone.
Black Bart worked with Booker T when the WWE Hall of Famer was new to the wrestling business way back in 1992. Black Bart wrestled Booker T for Global Wrestling Federation, and they did an outrageously crazy spot during one of the matches.
Black Bart revealed that they came up with the idea to brand Booker T in the rear end. Yes, you read that right. Booker T was branded in the posterior with a hot branding iron.
Black Bart recalled that General Skandar Akbar heated the branding iron when the match started. Black Bart realized that he had to do something to get Booker T down for the spot, and when he finally completed the branding, Booker screamed in pain.
Here's Black Bart narrating the entire incident:
"We get this great idea that we are going to really brand Booker T. In other words, the match starts, and Akbar is supposed to just heat it up, the branding on it, just before. He starts full blasting on that branding iron at the beginning of the match, and you can see the branding iron starting to turn red, brother. We are on TV, and I have got to (does the branding gesture), and I have to do something to him, get Booker T down. We are supposed to have that pad; you know what I'm saying, with paper or something. And my hands meet that branding iron, it's red hot, and I stuck it to his butt, and brother, I mean smoke, a shot of smoke came up. Shot of smoke, boom, and Booker T went 'Yaaaahhh!' and took off saying, 'Bart's burning me.' I said, 'Man,' I said, 'You, silly son of a gun, come here we got to do this.' No!' he went running with his butt smoking them dadgum. There was a B on it."
I got them their start in the business: Black Bart on helping Booker T and Stevie Ray

Black Bart was responsible for getting the Harlem Heat into the business as he also helped them get into WCW owing to his contacts with Dusty Rhodes.
"I got history with Booker T and Stevie Ray, brother. I don't know if I ever told you that story, but I got them their start in the business at Global Wrestling Federation. I was living in Texas city; they were living in Houston.
They knew I was a good friend with Dusty, and Dusty was a booker in WCW, and I called Dusty and told him one day, and me and Johnny Mantell got them polished and brother, they never looked back."
The vibrant Black Bart also gave his honest opinions about Arn Anderson, Eric Bischoff, Chris Benoit, and more during the latest UnSKripted with Dr. Chris Featherstone. Don't miss this one as it's quite an explosive episode.
If any quotes are used from this article, please credit UnSKripted with Dr. Chris Featherstone and add a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling.