NXT Superstar Tony D'Angelo's associates, Troy Donovan and Channing Lorenzo, defeated Malik Blade and Edris Enofe in the kick-off match on the latest edition of NXT 2.0.
D'Angelo has been feuding with Santos Escobar over the past few weeks. The Don of NXT was the mastermind behind an attack on the latter in his match against Carmelo Hayes last month. Thus, unveiling his associates and their involvement in the assault.
On the latest edition of NXT 2.0, Donovan and Blade faced each other while the former took control. When a charged-up Enofe entered the ring, Lorenzo came to the aid of his tag team partner but was hit with a clothesline over the rope.
Enofe attempted to tag his partner into the match, but Donovan sneakily pulled Blade off the apron, allowing Lorenzo to get the upper hand.
Towards the end of the match, when Lorenzo tagged Donovan in, Legado Del Fantasma appeared ringside. D'Angelo's associates double-teamed on Blade, and Lorenzo pinned him for the win.
Following the tag team match, Tony D'Angelo demanded that Legado Del Fantasma come to the ring. As the latter approached, a massive brawl between chaos ensued between both teams, leading referees to try and prevent them.