One of the most questionable and not-so-fondly looked back upon storylines in WWE history is the Katie Vick angle. During a feud between Kane and Triple H, things got heated to the extent where Kane was accused of necrophilia, resulting in the King of Kings wearing a Kane mask and mimicking having sex with a corpse.
Not many were fans of the storyline, including Jim Ross, who is a very harsh critic of the entire angle. Ross implied that it had no right to be on WWE RAW and he saw no point in airing it.
On a recent episode of Grilling JR, Jim Ross deep dived into his thoughts about the storyline, specifically the segment featuring Katie Vick and Triple H disguised as Kane:
"I’ve never heard a writer, Brucey [Bruce Prichard] might remember it better than me, because I had another job I was trying to get done. But I don’t know. I don’t know why we did it. And I don’t know why, and now and I’ve never heard any person in my life talk positively about this storyline. There’s no redeeming qualities to this piece of sh*t,” said Jim Ross [H/T: Inside the Ropes]
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Jim Ross did not hold back at all on WWE while discussing the angle
While Jim Ross is safe in assuming that no one has said anything positive about the storyline, he went on to harshly criticize the thought process going into it.
"So I never understood the logic behind it. It failed miserably," said JR. "It was in poor taste. I don’t want to put programming on television, where a dad who’s getting a pass to watch wrestling on Monday night has to explain to his kid What necrophilia [is]. What are the sex components of this alleged storyline? Well, that’s not what you want to explain to a child, you want to make them a fan. And if you want heat on Triple H, then shoot an angle with the baby face, not a mannequin." [h/t: Inside The Ropes]
Both Kane and Triple H went on to have multiple more career-defining moments. However, the WWE Katie Vick storyline remains one of the most bizarre and weird angles to have made it to national television. The segment will always remain notorious for how unexpected and awkward it was.
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