Triple H has now commented on The Rock helping John Cena turn heel and revealed how he did it. He also commented on what The Final Boss has done.
Triple H was on the Sloan Sports Analytic Conference, where he talked about the recent heel turn of Cena. He commented on how he had been a babyface for more than 20 years and then suddenly went on to turn heel.
He commented on how The Rock did it, saying that the star was The Final Boss and also on the Board of Directors of TKO. Not only was he legitimately a part of the board, but in character as well, and had power and control. Triple H said that he had used his power and control to turn John Cena heel.
"His character has been the ultimate good guy for 20+ years. The Rock, who's had a character developed as called 'The Final Boss,' he's on the board of TKO, legitimately, but also part of the character and he has all this power and control. He just used some of that power and control and John Cena just turned heel, became a bad guy for the first time, and beat up another good guy, Cody Rhodes. This was one of the biggest stories we have ever done, in that within a few hours, that moment had over a 100 million views on social media." (3:11:34 - 3:12:27)
The feud is now heading into WrestleMania and is set for a big match as Cena will face Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship.