Former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas joined Dr. Chris Featherstone on the latest edition of Sportskeeda's UnSKripted.
The legendary referee worked for the WWE from 1987 until his release in 2009, and during his 22-year WWE tenure, Jimmy Korderas was a part of several iconic on-screen moments. However, Korderas was also quite a helpful personality backstage as he came up with the name for Curt Hennig's finisher.
Jimmy Korderas revealed the story of how he was responsible for the name 'Perfect Plex.'
Jimmy Korderas reminisced when he officiated a match between Hulk Hogan and Mr. Perfect at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Korderas revealed that Curt Hennig was told to come up with a name for his finisher backstage at the Maple Leaf Gardens after his match and the former WWE referee was incidentally right there.
Curt Hennig used the Fisherman Suplex as his finisher, and Blackjack Lanza passed on Vince McMahon's message that the Superstar would have to come up with a name for his finisher that could be used on TV.
Korderas spontaneously said 'Perfect Plex,' and Curt Hennig instantly loved it.
Here's what a former WWE referee had to say about the incident:
"I actually came up with the name Perfect Plex for his finish. It was at Maple Leaf Gardens, and he just had a match with the Fisherman's Suplex as they called it, and he came to the back, and Jack Lanza said to him, and I happened to be standing right there, and he said, 'Vince wants you to come up with the name for your finish that we can use on TV.' Like call it something. And, for some reason, I just blurted out Perfect Plex, and Curt looked at me and said, 'You and I are friends for life.' And that was it; you know what I mean. Sometimes you never know, something pops out, and it works, and that happened to be one of those things."
During the most recent UnSKripted live Q&A session, Jimmy Korderas also spoke about the WWE's backstage atmosphere following Chris Benoit's death, the Kurt Angle-Daniel Puder incident backstage details about The Undertaker, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and much more.