According to WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco, Vince McMahon wasn't happy when Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle got into a 'shoot' fight.
Angle and Lesnar are among the greatest sports entertainers in the history of the business. But it is a well-known fact that both men are tough as they come, even outside the ring. Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist (with a broken freakin' neck), and Brock Lesnar is an NCAA Division 1 Champion.
The locker room spurred both of these legends to get into a real amateur wrestling fight. The goal was to determine who the tougher of the two was. Brisco had recounted how displeased Vince McMahon was when he heard what happened:
"Vince don't like horseplay. Everybody knows Vince is a very serious guy. You got two of your stars out there trying to wrestle each other. And when you're wrestling each other, it's not a work." (0.33-0.47)
Urged by the boys, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle actually wrestled each other in a pro wrestling ring. Even after Brisco stopped that fight, McMahon took him to task for even allowing it to happen:
"And he [McMahon] starts chewing me. 'Why are you letting those guys do it?' 'Vince, I'm backstage with you'. 'You know they're going to do it. Why did you let them do what they did. Don't you understand how they're two jackpots. They're going to put money on your table, they're going to put money on my table. And you're out there letting them do this potentially hurting each other.'" (4.03-4.20)
Brisco then took both Angle and Lesnar backstage and gave them sound hearing.
Catch the entire interview right below.
Brock Lesnar would go on to even greater glory in due time
Kurt Angle never displayed his prowess in the UFC, but Lesnar did. Even though he came up short against Angle on that occasion, he would become a future UFC Heavyweight Champion. And, of course, he remains a top draw for WWE to this day.
Catch more stories from Gerald Brisco on his podcast here.
Do you think Kurt Angle would have been a top draw in the UFC? Let us know in the comments.
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