[Watch] 29-year-old star accidentally knocks out best friend at WWE show; massive breakup tease

Massive breakup teased at recent WWE show
A massive breakup was teased at a recent WWE show.

WWE Superstars Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams were involved in a face-to-face segment during the latest episode of NXT.

These two superstars have maintained a strong bond since their debut on WWE TV. However, their relationship has faced turbulence in recent times. Williams has become increasingly wary of Hayes' intentions, especially after an incident where Williams was ambushed backstage just before the NXT Championship number one contender's match a few weeks ago.

With Trick Williams absent, Hayes seized the opportunity to claim the number one contender spot. Nonetheless, the 29-year-old sensation made a surprising comeback last week to confront his friend. The conclusion of the show was marked by palpable tension between the two. In this week's episode of NXT, Hayes strongly denied any involvement in the attack on Williams and proposed a direct, face-to-face conversation to clear up the air.

Carmelo Hayes began by attempting to explain his side of the story. However, Williams dismissed Hayes' justifications, emphasizing that he expected Hayes to be there for him, just as Williams had been there for Hayes. Ultimately, Williams did not mince words and directly asked Hayes if he was the mysterious attacker. Hayes was on the verge of responding when their conversation was interrupted by Lexis King.

The second-generation WWE Superstar attempted to manipulate the situation, sowing doubt and mistrust between Williams and Hayes. However, this approach only served to agitate the former NXT North American Champion. Frustrated by this, Williams swung at King, but the latter managed to evade the blow, resulting in Hayes getting accidentally knocked down. Williams then turned his attention back to his friend, extending a helping hand to lift him up, and the duo shared a hug.

Watch the clip from the show below:

It will be interesting to see how the situation between the two men evolves in the coming weeks.

What did you make of the face-to-face segment between Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams on WWE NXT this week? Let us know in the comments section below.

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