The Miz is currently embroiled in a feud against LA Knight on WWE RAW, and this week he made his way to the ring to cut a promo ahead of his match against Akira Tozawa.
The A-Lister noted that WWE Official Adam Pearce had allowed him to pick his opponent this week. As he announced Pearce's name, he slipped up and called him "Adam Spears."
The Miz is a WWE veteran and was able to quickly overcome the botch and continued the segment without any issues. He then took on Tozawa with LA Knight on commentary, which clearly took him off his game since the match between the two men became competitive when Miz hoped it would be a squash.
Tozawa went to the top rope, but Miz got his knees up, and it seemed as though Miz would win before Tozawa reversed into a pin himself and was able to pick up the win.
LA Knight then headed into the ring and hit The Miz with Blunt Force Trauma as he argued with WWE officials, leaving the match on a high.
Did you spot The Miz's botch this week on WWE RAW? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.