Triple H recently shared his thoughts about India's large WWE fan base and how the company plans to have the upcoming Superstar Spectacle be a show worthy of the Indian viewers.
Triple H is a former WWE Superstar who currently works as Executive Vice President of Global Strategy and Development. He works with the company to acquire and oversee talent acquisition while simultaneously producing one of the companies flagship shows, NXT.
Speaking to The Hindu, Triple H discussed the upcoming standalone WWE special, Superstar Spectacle. The show will feature top athletes from WWE's Indian talent pool and even some of the more high profile Superstars from the main roster. HHH commented on how this show was WWE's way of thanking its large India fan base and engaging the country with more content.
"India has been a big fan base for us for years. We want to put on a show that is worthy of that passion and their love of WWE. We are looking to put on exactly what is in the name — a spectacle," said Triple H.
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The show will feature the likes of Drew McIntyre, The New Day, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Charlotte Flair, and many more. Triple H even confirmed that there would be at least ten Indian Superstars that fans have never seen before.
The Indian fan base is extremely important to Triple H and WWE
The Superstar Spectacle will be a historic moment for pro-wrestling in India, as it is expected to be a sort of a kick-off to a potential future WWE NXT: India show.
It should come as no surprise that WWE has chosen to start catering more to its Indian audiences considering the amount of viewership the shows pull from India. The nation occupies the first position in YouTube and Facebook engagement of WWE content and has been doing so for quite some time now.