Black Label Pro (BLP) Wrestling promotion jokingly fired referee Jeremy Tillema for criticizing famous singer Taylor Swift.
Black Label Pro is an independent American professional wrestling promotion founded in 2017 in Crown Point, Indiana. The promotion holds three titles, the BLP Heavyweight Championship, BLP Midwest Championship, and BLP Tag Team Championship.
Referee Jeremy Tillema recently took a shot at Taylor Swift and her fans. However, according to BLP's boss Mikey Blanton's social media, he is a massive fan of Swift and often identifies himself as 'Swiftie.' Blanton seemingly did not take kindly to the criticism and proceeded to fire Tillema.
Black Label Pro Wrestling left no stone unturned in firing Jeremy Tillema and making his exit one of the most hilarious firings of the century.
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"We have decided to release @JeremyTheRef from BLP because he talked bad about Taylor Swift. Words have consequences," BLP tweeted.
Owner Mikey also commented on the matter. Quoting the tweet from BLP's official handle, he wrote the following:
"Zero tolerance," he tweeted.
It should be noted that this was a joke and that neither BLP nor Mikey Blanton was serious about firing Tillema.
Referee Jeremy Tillema hits back at BLP by calling out Taylor Swift fans
Referee Jeremy Tillema of BLP humorously fired back at his boss, referencing Harvey Dent's quote from the 2008 film The Dark Knight.
Jeremy Tillema then found himself at war and posted a series of tweets mocking the hysterical reason behind BLP releasing him from the company. He proceeded to call fans of Taylor Swift "irrational" and "violent."
In another tweet, Tilemma stated that he was boycotting the promotion and that it has operated under a "tyrannical Swiftatorship" for too long.
"I've decided to boycott and protest @BLabelPro For too long it has operated under a tyrannical Swiftatorship. Change MUST occur before this once proud organization crumbles. Join me in protest from now until said change occurs! #lookwhatyoumademedo," the BLP referee tweeted.
It remains to be seen how BLP or Mikey Blanton will respond to Tillema's claims.
What do you think of BLP's referee snubbing Taylor Swift's fans? Sound off in the comment section below.
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