Seth Rollins and CM Punk have been locked in a heated feud on Monday Night RAW. The arch-rivals are all set to clash in a high-stakes match at RAW's season premiere on streaming giant Netflix on January 6th. However, during their segment on the red brand, Punk took shots at six-time World Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, and WWE has officially reacted to it.
Tonight on RAW, Rollins and Punk came face-to-face for the final time before their bout and delivered an enthralling promo exchange. Both superstars were seemingly given the creative freedom to speak their minds, and in some places, it looked like the stars crossed lines that were not meant to be crossed.
During the segment, CM Punk mentioned the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin and asked whether The Rattlesnake took his ball and went home. The Best in the World also mentioned Rollins’ wife and former Women’s World Champion, Becky Lynch, in the conversation.
Following CM Punk's targeting Stone Cold on television, WWE reposted an old tweet from Steve Austin’s official X (formerly Twitter), which was made on June 28, 2011, appreciating Punk’s popular Pipebomb promo on live television.
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“CMPunk just melted my 52-inch TV with a scorching hot, content, and of the best promos I've ever seen,” wrote Stone Cold.
It remains to be seen if this callout by CM Punk will lead to something heading into WrestleMania 41. Punk vs. Steve Austin has been one of the most requested dream matches in recent decades. Stay tuned to find out any latest reactions from the six-time World Champion.