Former WWE Superstar Al Snow recently talked about his goals for Ohio Valley Wrestling following the success of the 'Wrestlers' docuseries on Netflix.
The seven-episode series was released earlier this month. The show shared the behind-the-scenes functioning of OVW, showcasing co-owner Al Snow's attempts to keep the wrestling promotion afloat.
During a recent appearance on Road Dogg's Oh...You Didn't Know podcast, Snow talked about his long-term goals for the historic promotion. He wanted to turn OVW into a "functioning regional operation."
“The long-term plan is to build OVW into a functioning regional operation. If I push the talent and the production even more so, then I can provide an audience a national experience on a regional budget. It’s not going to cost the same to attend one of our events as it would necessarily one like a WWE event or whatever, which obviously [is] because they have a much greater overhead. So we’re keeping that down.” [ H/T Wrestling Inc ]
'Wrestlers' has been a big success, with the series reaching a worldwide audience and not just being restricted to the professional wrestling fandom.
WWE legend Al Snow wants to provide an opportunity for wrestlers to make a living at OVW
Ohio Valley Wrestling is one of the historic professional wrestling promotions popularly known for being WWE's developmental territory between 1999 and 2008.
During a recent appearance on Road Dogg's Oh...You Didn't Know podcast, OVW's co-owner Al Snow talked about his goals for the promotion, claiming that he wanted OVW to become a place where wrestlers could make a living for themselves.
"And my real goal is one: to be a way to groom and develop young talent, and two: for wrestlers who have had a run on a larger platform, you know, when that day comes — because it does, it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when — they can have a place that they can still make a living in wrestling." [ H/T Wrestling Inc ]
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Ohio Valley Wrestling.
Have you watched the 'Wrestlers' on Netflix yet? Let us know in the comments section below.