PWInsider reported moments ago that WWE has released The Bollywood Boyz (Sunil Singh and Samir Singh)
The Bollywood Boyz were being heavily featured on WWE 205 Live, where they were a prominent part of the tag team division. The Bollywood Boyz were formerly known as The Singh Brothers and worked alongside Jinder Mahal, whom the two helped on multiple occasions during his WWE Championship reign.
Aside from their run with Jinder, the two have collectively held the WWE 24/7 Championship a total of nine times, with Samir having won it 5 times and Sunil 4 times
Samir and Sunil Singh made their WWE debut in 2016
The Singh Brothers made their debut in the Cruiserweight Classic under the names Gurv and Hurv. However, they weren't successful during their initial ventures in WWE.
The two then started to impress higher ups on various NXT Tapings and were announced for the second annual Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Even though they didn't win the tournament, they sure made their presence felt and were soon called up to manage Jinder Mahal.
Working with Jinder Mahal brought them under the spotlight and they were featured heavily on weekly TV once Mahal won the WWE Championship.
What do you make of The Bollywood Boyz being let go? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.