Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Minoru Suzuki, and Taichi) vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI, Hirooki Goto, and Tomohiro Ishii)
Suzuki-gun faction was ready for war against the dramatic and cool CHAOS faction in the third exhibition tag match on Night 17. The two teams went after each other before the bell rang, and Goto attempted the first pinfall against Kanemaru.
Suzuki and Taichi attacked Ishii and YH relentlessly as well as a few young lion ring attendants, before Kanemaru managed to tag Taichi in. Goto tagged Ishii in as well.
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Taichi the Dark Emperor was a cruel and cocky opponent, but Ishii came at him like a tank with unlimited capacity to absorb damage. They both had a moment when they could tag out, and they both did.
Suzuki and YH were next, and Goto held Suziki back for a dropkick from YH. It tendered Suzuki up greatly but he completed a Dutch-style piledriver that looked like it ruined YH's entire life. Suzuki picked up the pinfall victory.
Results: Suzuki-Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Minoru Suzuki, and Taichi) def. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI, Hirooki Goto, and Tomohiro Ishii) via pinfall
Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi, and Tetsuya Naito) vs. Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Yujiro Takahashi, and Jay White)
Bullet Club came ready to cheat, lie, and steal their way to victory, and the beautiful Tokyo Pimp bunny, PIETER, accompanied them. However, the crowd turned their love and adoration to LIJ's members. Naito and White will fight for the B-Block's top spot tomorrow.
Owens, the hard-working gambit of Bullet Club, and BUSHI, the masked man, began the match with a strong start from Owens. BUSHI went high, but White knocked him down from outside the ring.
When White tagged in, he taunted BUSHI before Takahashi, the Tokyo Pimp, began to slam BUSHI's face into the ring post. Owens took over for Takahashi and attempted a pinfall. BUSHI was able to rally by throwing Owens and Takahashi into each other.
'Destino' Naito and 'Switchblade' White tagged in, and the crowd chanted loudly for their Tranquilo hero. The energy pushed Naito to complete a combination move set in the corner, but it didn't take enough out of White.
A swing DDT from the top rope forced Takahashi to take over for White; Naito's space grew and he tagged Takagi in. Both men are excellent ground grapplers and they did just that until their teammates began tagging in quick succession. Once Takahashi and Takagi were back in the Ring, Takagi hit his finisher and showed Takahashi who the stronger man was.
Results: Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi, and Tetsuya Naito) def. Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Yujiro Takahashi, and Jay White) via pinfall
The A-Block Night 17 matches followed.