Japanese joshi puroresu promotion World Wonder Ring Stardom (commonly known as 'Stardom') held their final show of the year on 24 December. During the promotion's trip to the iconic Korakuen Hall, it was announced that Stardom will be represented at next year's Wrestle Kingdom 14 event to be held at the Tokyo Dome.
Stardom's partnership with Bushiroad
Earlier in 2019, Stardom was sold to Kix Road, a subsidiary of Bushiroad. As many would be aware, popular Japanese promotion New Japan Pro Wrestling is also owned by the same parent company.
Not surprisingly, there have been reports suggesting that NJPW will eventually start showcasing female wrestlers under their banner.
Corey Graves deleted his Tweet! More details HERE.
Stardom to have a match at Wrestle Kingdom
At today's Stardom Year End climax show at the Korakuen Hall, it was officially announced that the joshi puroresu promotion will have a match on the first night of Wrestle Kingdom 14. Wrestle Kingdom, of course, is NJPW's biggest annual event; many regard it as Japan's version of the Super Bowl.
As of now, Stardom hasn't revealed the competitors who will feature at the Tokyo Dome. The fans, however, would be very eager to know which particular superstar and what match type they will be treated to at the Tokyo Dome.
Will this lead to an official working relationship between Stardom and NJPW?
As of now, no word has been forthcoming if this will eventually lead to a working relationship between NJPW and Stardom. But come what may the Tokyo Dome will certainly see history being made on 4 January, when some of the finest female wrestlers compete on the biggest stage of them all in Japan.