EC3 vs Lars Sullivan vs. Killian Dain vs Velveteen Dream vs Adam Cole vs Ricochet -- Ladder match for the new North American Title

With six of NXT's best and brightest competing in one ring, you already have the ingredients for a good time. Adding in a ladder just means the action will be that much more brutal and exciting.
Prediction: With so many top-tier competitors, it's hard to say who will walk out with the title. Ladder matches tend to favour smaller men, so Lars Sullivan and Killian Dain may not be the favourites. Adam Cole is pulling double duty at Takeover, and Ricochet and EC3 only recently joined the brand. This means Velveteen Dream is the likely winner, but it's tough to call.
Analysis: Ladder matches can be career-shortening experiences, and with Wrestlemania 34 just around the corner these athletes will likely push themselves to the absolute limit. High flying Ricochet will probably put on the best performance, but don't count out veteran wrestlers EC3 and Killian Dain. Adam Cole has a lot of experience in ladder matches, and will also put on a great show. No matter who wins, the match should increase the stock of all six men with the NXT audience and wrestling fans in general.