Aleister Black vs. Velveteen Dream

A match of two polar opposites.
When these two first began their storyline with one another, it felt very odd and somewhat forced from both ends, especially from Aleister Black. There is absolutely nothing that these two have in common, aside from possibly living in the same zip code at the moment.
Patrick Clark is an example of what can happen to you if someone backstage has an issue with you. This whole knockoff Prince gimmick is one of the laziest attempts at sabotaging a career in recent memory. Patrick Clark is a highly talented young star with an extremely high ceiling. Unfortunately for him, his actions and attitude issues while filming Tough Enough have plagued him ever since signing with the company.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
As far as Black is concerned, the guy is ready for the main roster now. This match against Dream will likely be a tuneup match for a much bigger feud and possibly a chance at the NXT Championship.
JC Says
While I respect what Clark CAN do in the ring, I sincerely doubt he will be allowed to put up much of a threat against Aleister Black. This may be the lone lopsided match of the evening.