Authors of Pain w/Roderick Strong vs. SAni†Y vs. The Undisputed Era
It has been a long time since the first War Games took place. Since the original contest took place, very few have attempted to recreate this historic brain-child of the late, great Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes. But this Saturday in Houston, the Superstars of NXT will attempt to make The American Dream proud.
Three incredibly talented teams will enter the unforgiving confines known as War Games. But in the end, only one trio will prevail. So, who will it be? Will Adam Cole's Undisputed Era continue to gain momentum as they steamroll through the competition? Or will Paul Ellerings' young monstrous duo regain the status they recently lost? Perhaps the insanity of SAni†Y will prevail.
JC Says
We have waited a long time to see the infamous battle known as War Games return to life. To be quite honest, this one could really go any direction. But, when its all said and done, you can rest assured that all nine men involved will bring their very best, simply because this match represents the memory and the legacy of the late, great 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes.