This week's edition of NXT UK saw the debut of Bea Priestly, now known as Blair Davenport. We'd also see Trent Seven continue his feud with Eddie Dennis in a fantastic hard-hitting main event.
NXT UK Tag Champions Pretty Deadly had an important bout tonight as Lewis Howley faced Mark Andrews in singles action. If he loses, the former NXT UK Tag Champions Subculture will get a shot at the gold.
We started things off with Nathan Frazer taking on the most despicable man in NXT UK, Kenny Williams.
Nathan Frazer vs Kenny Williams on NXT UK
Two of the best high flyers in NXT UK kicked off the show. Nathan Frazer got the better of Kenny Williams in the early goings of the match. After avoiding an arm wrench, Frazer took Williams down with an arm drag.
Leapfrogging past Williams, Frazer sent him into the corner with a shotgun dropkick. Williams moved to the floor but was caught, barely, by a bullet-speed like tope con hilo. Back in the ring, Frazer was taken out by a flying chop block to the front of the knee. Williams followed up with a big boot to the injured limb.
The cockroach of NXT UK (Nigel McGuinesses' words not mine) avoided some quick pinfall attempts and hammered Frazer's leg again before hitting a superkick. Leaving Frazer up in the ropes, Williams hit a series of kicks to the back of the head and one to the knee.
On the apron, Frazer failed to hit a springboard maneuver due to his knee. Williams tried to attack him but was sent into the turnbuckle. As he turned around, Frazer sprang off the top rope on one knee to hit a flying single leg dropkick. Williams responded with a wheelbarrow facebuster, getting a near fall.
Frazer missed a springboard moonsault and landed on his bad knee, setting himself up for a pump kick from Williams. He responded with a reverse DDT and chased Williams around the apron.
Williams lured him into the corner where he uncovered the turnbuckle, driving Frazer's head into it. After that, Bad Luck drove Frazer into the mat.
Results: Kenny Williams defeated Nathan Frazer via pinfall on NXT UK.
Grade: B
We saw some footage from last week's NXT UK where A-Kid was brutally injured by Jordan Devlin. The self-proclaimed Ace of NXT UK drove his knee into the steel steps and forced a tap out with a disgusting submission.
We're moving toward an NXT UK Women's Championship match between Amale and the champion Meiko Satomura. Should Amale defeat Satomura, she'd be the first French woman to hold the NXT UK Women's Title. When this match does happen, it'll be a major challenge for the champion.
Mark Andrews vs Lewis Howley w/Sam Stoker on NXT UK
Though he held the NXT UK Tag Titles with Pretty Deadly partner Sam Stoker, Lewis Howley was an underdog against someone like Mark Andrews. Not only was Andrews a former NXT UK Tag Champion, but he's an established singles competitor as well.
Howley's size advantage and the fact that his tag partner was at ringside did, however, put the match in his favor. Andrews took Howley to the mat and worked over the arm. Howley blocked an arm drag, but a tilt-a-whirl arm drag did send Howley overhead.
A wheelbarrow bulldog planted Howley and Andrews followed with a suicide dive on the floor. But NXT UK Tag Champ Sam Stoker distracted him, allowing Howley to catch him in the ropes and send him shoulder first into the ring post.
Howley hit a leg drop for a two-count and hammered him with a series of forearms. Andrews managed to catch Howley with a tilt-a-whirl into the crossbody, followed by a jawbreaker and dropkick that took Howley to the floor. Howley avoided the baseball slide and sent him into the barricade.
Howley was spiked with a tilt-a-whirl DDT by Andrews, and it seemed he was well on his way to a victory over one half of the NXT UK Tag Champions. Andrews ducked a clothesline with a powerslide and hit an enzuigiri. A Code Red earned Andrews a nearfall.
Andrews hit a springboard dragonrana on Howley as Subculture ran down to stop Stoker from interfering. Howley kicked out of the pinfall and blocked another DDT. He didn't stop the Stundog Millionaire, however, and Andrews finished the night with the Shooting Star Press.
Results: Mark Andrews defeated Lewis Howley via pinfall on NXT UK.
Grade: B+
Thanks to that win, Mark Andrews earned Subculture a shot at the NXT UK Tag Titles.
We saw footage of Jack Starz talking to a few roster mates after losing to Tyler Bate the previous week. Starz had impressed many coworkers and fans at this point, and could be a major star going forward.
After that, Tyler Bate was asked about Mark Coffey who made it clear he wanted shot at the NXT UK Heritage Cup. Bate said that if he wanted a shot all he had to do was ask.
Laura DiMatteo vs Blair Davenport on NXT UK
NXT UK brought in another major talent with Blair Davenport, formerly known as Bea Priestly. Davenport started her match against Laura DiMatteo in dominant fashion. After wrenching the arm, she planted DiMatteo with a slam.
However, DiMatteo wasn't a pushover and caught Davenport with a decapitating lariat that turned her inside out. Davenport responded with a boot and diving double stomp that earned a near-fall. A neckbreaker followed, but it wasn't enough.
DiMatteo blocked a suplex and hit a DDT for a two-count over the guaranteed future NXT UK Women's Champion. Davenport hit a double jump springboard dropkick and a running knee in the ropes.
After that DiMatteo was yanked jaw first into Davenport's knee, knocking her out cold.
Results: Blair Davenport defeated Laura DiMatteo via pinfall on NXT UK.
Grade: C+
After the match, Blair Davenport took the microphone to explain her reasoning for coming to NXT UK. She put everyone on notice, from the DiMatteos to even the champion Meiko Satomura. They were all going to feel the fury of Davenport.
We got a vignette from NXT UK's Teoman, who was seated at a table with Rohan Raja. Rohan promised his undying loyalty to Teoman going forward. We'll see them in a match on NXT UK next week.
In two weeks, we'll see Ilja Dragunov get his long-awaited rematch against NXT UK Champion WALTER. Next week on NXT UK, they'll meet in the ring for a press conference.
Trent Seven vs Eddie Dennis on NXT UK
Trent Seven went right after Eddie Dennis, catching him with a series of chops. Dennis slowed things down with a snapmare takedown, but couldn't keep Seven on the mat. Seven bounced off the ropes for a crossbody and followed up with a slam and running elbow drop combination.
Seven hit a suicide dive that drove Dennis into the barricade. However, as they both stood up off the mat, Dennis caught Seven with a discus lariat that left Seven gasping for breath. Dennis hammered Seven with heavy clubs and kicks.
Seven fired up and hit a DDT that spiked Dennis. He followed up with a big chop to Dennis's injured pectoral. Dennis countered the dragon suplex with a twisting sidewalk slam. Dennis rocked Seven with some cravate knee strikes and uppercuts. Seven traded back and ducked one final shot for a snap dragon suplex.
The Emerald Flowsion connected, but Dennis still kicked out. Seven moved up top for a rolling senton, but Dennisn rolled close to the corner to avoid it. With Seven crashing and burning, the Welsh Dragon of NXT UK moved up top.
Seven followed, but was sent overhead with Splash Mountain. A second one sent Seven into the turnbuckle. Dennis followed with his opponent's Seven-Star Lariat, turning Trent Seven inside out.
Both men were exhausted, and couldn't pick up a pin. They finally got to their feet, hammering each other with stiff strikes. Seven hit the Seven-Star Lariat, but Dennis just kicked out. Dennis blocked the Burning Hammer and rocked Seven with a boot.
Seven caught Dennis from up-high with the Emerald Flowsion. However, Primate and T-Bone came down to the ring and put Dennis's foot on the ropes. Seven took them out, and spiked Dennis with the Burning Hammer.
Results: Trent Seven defeated Eddie Dennis on via pinfall on NXT UK.
Grade: A
Primate and T-Bone rushed in to attack Seven. NXT UK Heritage Cup holder Tyler Bate ran down to make the save. Moustache Mountain ran off all three men before Bate broke out nunchucks.
Primate tried his luck, and was cracked in the rib cage. He was left coughing on the mat as NXT UK's favorite duo celebrated in the ring.