#3 Popularity with his peers?

If the WWE were a high school, Brock Lesnar would not be nominated for Prom King or the superlative of "Most Popular" any time soon. His part-time work for full-time pay status hasn't earned him any friends backstage, and it's easy to understand why.
While the rest of the roster is on the road 300+ days a year, busting their humps, working through injuries, being away from family & friends and generally devoting their entire lives to the business, Brock Lesnar spends a good majority of time holed up in his Minnesota home with his family and making appearances with other rival organizations like UFC.
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While popularity isn't necessary in order to be a good champion or even a good WWE worker in general, being the root cause of a decrease in locker room morale isn't exactly helping one's cause.
When you have a roster full of capable, present, hungry guys who could fulfill the role of Universal Champion with far more enthusiasm and investment sitting in a locker room while Lesnar sits in his own private locker room not even having to go over any promos, seeing as Paul Heyman handles the verbal heavy lifting for him, it's only natural for some resentment to build up.
From a morale standpoint alone, this cannot be good for a company like WWE. After all, they've lost multiple top names such as Neville, Austin Aries and most famously CM Punk, due to backstage politics and bad company morale.