#5 Storyline Continuity
Is Elias a heel? Is he a face?
Is Dana Brooke a heel? Is she a face?
See who is stunned by Hulk Hogan's words HERE
These are just a few confusions that come to mind from recent memory. WWE changes a character’s turns at the drop of a hat and that doesn’t help anyone. It is difficult to like or dislike a wrestler if the orientations are not known. Whether they are a heel or a face.
Remember the countless Big Show turns. The only difference now is that WWE tends to do that with multiple superstars. There is no continuity. If someone is feuding with others and there is no follow up the next week then how are the fans supposed to be invested.
The continuity problems have hampered most of the feuds on Raw and it would take a long time to write about all of them. This is just an overview of the errors in the ways of WWE Raw’s programming.
At least there should be a proper explanation or a follow up as to why a particular wrestler does one thing a week and another thing the next week.
Good talented wrestlers can keep the crowd engaged through anything but that doesn’t mean that WWE shouldn’t even try to keep reasonable continuity in their storylines.