On the last episode of WWE Monday Night Raw, we saw the reunion of The Shield. Did we want to see this again? A prior attempt to reunite The Shield was to find a way to get the fans to cheer for Roman Reigns.
Was WWE thinking if they tried that again, Roman and The Shield would get cheered? Or are we getting a full blown heel faction?
Last night the main event was a Universal Title match between Roman Reigns and the first Universal Champion Finn Balor. At the end of the match, Braun Strowman came out and distracted Roman, allowing Finn Balor to gain the upper hand and attempt his finisher, but Roman rolled out of the way and hits The Spear for the pin and win instead.
After this Braun Strowman got in the ring and attempted to cash in his Money in the Bank. As the ring announcer declared Strowman was cashing in, The Shield music comes on!
The pop was nice for The Shield, and they attack Strowman and Triple Power Bomb him through a table to close Raw.
I really liked the way they ended Monday Night Raw. The Shield looked as dominant as ever. Over the years, they have become known for their pack mentality. They showed that mentality by protecting their guy Roman, and attacking Strowman.
Strowman prides himself on not needing anyone to protect him, but might have to find a team in order to combat the strength of The Shield.
This is where the confusion for me sets in. WWE sold us Roman as The Big Dog who doesn't need anyone by his side, and last night they reunite The Shield to help him. Are The Shield heel or face?
If they are heel, that could only be a good thing for Raw and WWE. When The Shield were running the WWE as full-fledged heels, they made Raw enjoyable and a must see. They dominated everyone in their paths, creating rivalries with the likes of The Undertaker, Team Hell No, and Evolution.
In addition to this, The Shield created three pillars of the current WWE in Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns. They've been in or at the top of WWE over the last couple of years. Creating memorable moments during their singles runs. Now they are trying to light an old spark, it can only be a good thing.
The heel Shield reuniting will be good for the other two members of The Shield, but it will especially be a very good thing for Roman, and Seth will continue his reign with the Intercontinental Championship.
Seth will strive to keep creating memorable matches, and Dean Ambrose has come back more jacked than I could've ever imagined - it's just a matter of time before they give him a strong singles run as a heel.
Lastly I think the one who benefits the most will be Roman Reigns. Fans having been dying to see a heel Roman Reigns.
This might create the perfect opportunity to do this. This will allow Roman Reigns become a total Samoan psychopath if they let him. WWE has created this illusion of Roman being The Big Dog.
To me the only way they can truly make WWE his yard is if he really lets the dog out. The Shield will own the yard with Roman Reigns running the yard and becoming the true top dog.
On the other hand, if The Shield are going to be considered face, what does this foretell? All the members of Shield have proven that they can do really well as faces, with the exception Roman.
The pushing of Roman for the last three years has put off many WWE fans, making them turn against him. Earlier in the article I stated they tried this reunion before, but it didn't work out.
For Seth this was a real blessing, it allowed him to become the face fans hoped he would become after fighting Triple H at WrestleMania. Although a blessing for Seth, is a face Shield run what WWE needs?
I don’t think we need another face run with The Shield. They’ve proven they can be heel and face, but the current state of Raw proves they need some top heels.
Kevin Owens losing at SummerSlam buries his chances of being a top heel, while turning Strowman heel might not be the best option because of his YouTube appeal. So this situation leaves WWE in quite a conundrum. What do you think? Should The Shield be heel or face?