RAW this week had an ending none of us ever expected to see. The last remains of Paul Bearer was supposedly spent by CM Punk after he poured his ashes onto himself and a battered Undertaker. This came as a shock to several wrestling fans as they weren’t expecting WWE to go this far with the use of Paul Bearer.
When WWE was asked about the usage of Bearer’s name, they said the family had given prior consent to the use of it. But now, Bearer’s sons have reacted to this outrageous act of CM Punk on RAW and here’s what they had to say on their Facebook pages.
Michael Moody posted on his page:
Top name doesn't want to enter the WWE Hall of Fame. More details HERE.
“If anyone is wondering, yes WWE did come to us wanting approval for tonight’s storyline. The way it was presented to us was okay. Seeing it on screen was a different story. I don’t even know what to say.”
His brother Daniel commented:
“Totally different”
Now, the entire pro-wrestling community and WWE fans in particular have woken up to this comment and reacted. Many people have blamed WWE right from the moment Punk interrupted Bearer’s tribute on WWE and this comment has just added fuel to fire.
However, Michael later sent another text telling people that they have misinterpreted his comment.
Hey. I woke up in time to watch the tail end of the show. What you explained would happen, happened. Which is fine. Just [that] it was a little difficult to watch it play out. I put a message on Facebook last night saying that we approved it but it wasn’t what I envisioned. That I didn’t have anything to say. Well, woke up this morning and that quote is being used all over “media outlets”. For the record. I was fine w it. Was hard to watch but y’all are professionals and I trust.
Personally, I feel the end was extremely dramatic and added a special flavour into the storyline. For the past two weeks, Punk despite his distasteful acts, didn’t seem to get inside Taker’s mind enough, but this week’s actions have now brought enough doubt as to whether Punk has it to beat the streak. However, this feud as Taker mentioned, has escalated beyond the streak and has reached a point where emotions will come into play.
With all due respect to Paul Bearer, I feel Paul would have liked the way RAW ended this week and people shouldn’t get carried over by the way he is being used now.