SK: You became the first South African to challenge for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. How did it feel competing for the title?
PJB: "Oh yeah man. You know like, that was one of the titles when I was a kid growing up I always looked up to, you know. A lot of greats held that and it was always on my list. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in winning it but there's still time. I feel like I'm five years away from my prime and I want to do South Africa proud and I'm still going to win that title before I come back."
SK: How would you describe your life outside the ring?
PJB: "Outside the ring, you know, I have a lot of hobbies. I started a few companies... Uhm... I'm very excited to teach to the younger generation what I've learned in life and that's one of the main reasons I'm coming back to South Africa - to Slamforce - more scouts to set up a couple of wrestlers... a couple of schools everywhere and teach people, teach the younger generation what I've learned, you know why? Because I feel like it's my duty to make the sport grow in South Africa. And I feel like it's very big there right now already because I get emails and I get people on social media reaching out to me daily like: 'how can I make it?' 'how can I get into it? And I feel like that's my next step... to pave the way for our youths."
SK: Well, speaking of South Africa, in October, you'll return to the country where you'll go one-on-one with Rob Van Dam for the inaugural SFA World Championship. Thats going to be a big match. How prepared are you for the match?
PJB: "Oh man... this is going to be very big, you know. I mean... you trying on Rob, I mean I've been watching him since I was a little kid, I used... I actually am very excited. I know him very well and he knows me very well but we've never been in the ring one-on-one ever before so I think I'm more prepared than I have been before so this should be a good one."
Up next: PJ Black talks about winning the SFA World Championship and more!