#2 (Traditional Survivor Series Match) – Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs Tensai, Primo, Epico, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

Switching things over to the main show of the Survivor Series. We kick things off with a “Traditional Survivor Series Match”, as Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry “The King” Lawler provide commentary for the audience watching at home.
Tyson Kidd and Epico started out the match. Good back-and-forth action between the two high flyers, as eventually Justin Gabriel, then later Rey Mysterio tagged in and began to work over Epico. Epico would eventually go on the offensive against Mysterio and tag in Darren Young. Rey Mysterio would get Darren Young into the lower turnbuckle and deliver a well-placed baseball slide into the hip/groin area. Rey Mysterio, along with Sin Cara, would deliver a Double Team Facebuster.
As the match progressed, both men would tag out to Sin Cara and Primo respectively. Sin Cara got the crowd going with his wide variety of materialistic moves, such as the Springboard Hurrcanrana and Jumping Sunset Flips, along with various flashy counters to Primo. He would keep the offence going until Primo could tag in Tensai. Once Tensai came into the match, the crowd immediately started to boo and chant: “Albert!” repeatedly.
Tensai would tag in Titus O’Neil. Titus would work over and manhandle Sin Cara, using his size and strength to his advantage. The crowd started to get behind Sin Cara to encourage him to mount a comeback, but to no avail as Tensai was tagged back in.
After a few moments of working over Sin Cara. Sin Cara would go back on the defensive and deliver the hot tag to Brodus Clay. Brodus Clay came into the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. He took out the entire heel team with one move after the other. Eventually, the entire babyface side would enter the fray and get involved. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel would hit a pair of Suicide Dives on Epico and Primo to the floor, followed by a pair of Springboard Moonsaults to the floor by Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara on Titus O’Neil and Darren Young.
This left Brodus Clay and Tensai all alone inside the ring, as the crowd stood to their feet and got behind the “The Funkadactyal”. As the two men went at each other, Brodus Clay poorly executed and botched a T-Bone Suplex to Tensai, causing Tensai to land flush on his face in scary fashion. Eventually, Tensai would recover from this spot and go back on the offensive. Tensai would eliminate Clay with a Running Senton Splash to get the pinfall.
Brodus Clay has been eliminated
Justin Gabriel came in to replay Brodus Clay. He went after Tensai with everything he had, until Tensai countered back and tagged in Titus O’Neil. Titus worked over Gabriel for a little bit, then tagged Tensai back into the match.
Tensai hit Gabriel with a Running Senton Splash. However, before he could make the cover, Gabriel countered the pin attempt into a Crucifix Roll-Up for the 1,2,3 to (shockingly) eliminate Tensai.
Tensai has been eliminated
Titus O’Neil comes in to replace Tensai. He begins to work over Justin Gabriel until he can tag in Tyson Kidd. Tyson Kidd wastes no time in taking out O’Neil, as he is able to roll-up O’Neil for the quick pin fall.
Titus O’Neil has been eliminated
Epico came into the match to replace O’Neil. Tyson Kidd would take down Epico in quick fashion, as he applied the Sharpshooter to Epico. Epico would tap out to the Sharpshooter.
Epico has been eliminated
Primo came in next. Angry and pissed off that his tag partner was just eliminated, he goes after Tyson Kidd and goes on the offensive until Kidd can deliver the hot tag to Rey Mysterio. The crowd popped for Mysterio has he re-entered the match-up. Primo attempted the Back Stabber but had the move countered into the La Magistral Cradle Pin for the 1,2,3.
Primo has been eliminated
Darren Young came into the match next and was the sole member left for his team. Rey Mysterio took down Darren Young before tagging in Sin Cara. Sin Cara would hit a Diving Senton Splash from the top rope. He tagged in Justin Gabriel, who would hit a Springboard Moonsault to Young. Gabriel tagged in Tyson Kidd, who would drop Darren Young with a Diving Elbow Drop. Then finally, Rey Mysterio came in and nailed Darren Young with a Diving Splash from the top rope to get the pin fall victory for his team. Team Mysterio would pick up the win!
Overall, this was a fun little Survivor Series match. This match had a lot of nice little high spots involved. The crowd wasn’t overly into it, but the competitors involved put on a good performance nonetheless. Minus the bad botch between Tensai and Brodus Clay, this was an entertaining opening match for the show. Lots of tagging in and out and teamwork involved. Nothing too special or out of the ordinary for a Traditional Survivor Series match-up.